DS9 at 100% efficiency is Miles by himself.
When everyone else is there touching things, and pushing buttons, and dumping the transporter buffer into the fucking Holosuite, then efficiency drops significantly.
he’s like Scotty. whenever anyone else was behind the transporter (except Spock ofc.), even for 5 minutes, someone significant died.
There was this episode where he’s a slave to the bajorean/kingon/cardassian alliance and they made him do all the work and I was like no difference there.
He is, after all, the most important person in all of Starfleet.
I’m one of those who has never seen anything newer than Enterprise. What is this from? Is this a real show?
This is from lower decks, the new animated comedy star trek. In my opinion the best Trek since DS9.
lower decks.
I dislike basically everything after Enterprise but this is… not too bad. I’d say it’s maybe a bit like “Simpsons meets Star Trek”. Definetly worth to check out a few episodes to see if you like it. If you like the jokes, you’re in for a cool ride.
He’s Miles ahead of everyone else.
Miles O’Brien is miles o’head!
Miles O’Head is his term for getting a blow job while traveling at warp.
Keiko knows what’s up
When I was a kid I was annoyed at how much of a grumpy old man he was but now I realise he was only using a sliver of his power.
We never even saw his final form.
Chief would have got Voyager back in two weeks
I’d like to bring forth the theory that Warhammer 40k and Star Trek are actually the same universe and the Machine God the tech-priests worship has developed from tales of Miles O’Brien and Geordi La Forge
The Federation can easily slot into the “Dark Age of Technology” era well.
Yep. We haven’t gone further than the 32nd century. There’s a whole, what, 37 thousand years in between?
Oh my god. The Men of Stone are the androids on Mars in Star Trek Picard and Men of Iron are going to be the Soong androids.
Replicators are STCs
STCs involve replicators. Who TF managed to lobotomize industrial sized replicators to only produce one thing? If I ever find them, I’m feeding them to either Geordie or Slannesh. Whomever promises more torture for them.
splashes oils, begins to chant vigerously
The entire warp is just that at some point holocrew become ubiquitous enough to have holo emitters installed all over every ship. Inevitably the holograms became evil and one of them was able to reprogram the computer to turn on the holo emitters every time the warp drive is used. The flawed design was subsiquently replicated on every single ship because no one in 40k understands their own technology anymore. All a gellar field does is fuck with the holo emitters.
Sooo… every 40k Ship is basically a continuous repetition of the Moriarty-arch from TNG?
Only because Jedzia is not in this picture
She’s the one taking the picture
I hate temporal mechanics.
Admiral Janeway?
You still need Sisko to tell him to do it in 2 hours instead of 10.
If only he got to tell Sisko to just get to the point already when he’s on a rant
Only 99.9%? Is Miles sick today?
You could probably add Rom since he single handedly saved the entire Federation for months.
I feel like removing Quark would increase the efficiency. Miles has more to fix while he’s around.
That’s right.
deleted by creator
Are they really at 100% efficiency without their tailor?
You mean plain, simple Garak?