Let’s move the battlefield out of Ukraine and into Russia then.
Why would Ukraine want to take Russian land?
Not necessarily take, but a demilitarized zone might make sense, and that has to be put somewhere.
Like prevent troops amassing in “peaceful exercise” so they cannot surprise invade again.
Zelensky already said that Ukraine is willing to exchange Belgorod for NATO membership.
Presumably parts of Russia is of strategic importance, being where they come.
Not all battles are about taking land.Sure, but implying Ukraine would want to attack its neighbouring country, to take land for any reasons seems strange. That’s more like what Russia would do.
Since Ukraine isn’t a real country, it can’t invade another country. That would be a warcrimes.
But remember, it’s the rest of the world that’s warmongering! Also up is down!
Come on, not even zelensky had any hope they would accept this peace plan. They’re basically asking Russia to stop the war and give back all the territory they occupied. The Ukrainian counter offensive stopped at a brick wall, the Russians have no reason at all to do this.
Pretty crumbly and porous brick wall, there. And they apparently neglected to build it around Sevastopol.
War is normally a slow process. In historical terms Ukraine is making good progress… it is mostly fiction where wars are one in a couple days.
Except Israel.
There have been a lot of exceptions. However the majority of wars are longer as if you don’t think you can win surrender terms are generally better than death.
Sure, if you fight in the middle of the desert with little cover and no mud, progress is fast once you cut through the defensive lines. Vs fighting in mud and forests.
Hmm, let’s just see what an actual war historian has to say about that https://www.agonmag.com/p/vlahos-ukraine-shares-same-fate-as
Western people are funny to say the least, i dont know why, if it has something to do if the fact u guys always lived in such a privileged position that u can live in a fantasy world.
Try to be pragmatic. I never said it had to be quick, I never said this is unwinnable right now, I just said that makes no sense for the Russians to accept this terms right now, and Ukrainians are not stupid, they know this. Or were u expecting putin to wake up this morning feeling bad for what he have done and just move his troops out of Ukraine?
The counteroffensive is moving forward slowly because the Russians put a ton of mines and trenches in the way. Plus they committed their best troops to stopping it. Still Ukraine is slowly moving forward in the south.
I wouldn’t want to be there right now on either side. But basically the Ukrainians are winning because their artillery is better. Once Ukraine moves their artillery within range of the highway along the Sea of Azov, the troops protecting Crimea will have their supplies threatened. This is the general plan and they’re getting closer.
I never said this in unwinnable, but don’t make any sense to propose a peace plan to Russia right now demanding them to return all the land they occupied. Ukrainians are not dumb, they know this, this peace “proposal” is just a piece of propaganda to western media to say they are trying to start peace talks with Russia or some shit. The Russian ministry answered this out of anger but he’s not wrong, the Ukraine is only getting their territory back if they can put a huge pressure on Russians, possibly only if they can manage to make Russia fear to be attacked on their own territory. And even if this happens we have to trust Russians won’t nuke Ukraine to protect their own territory.
They didn’t have any hope because Putin is a warmonger. Any “peace plan” that Russia would find acceptable would just delay the inevitable and give Russia time to build back up, they’ve already shown their cards. Russia needs to give up on its territorial aspirations and give back what it’s stolen. Russia could’ve held onto Crimea even had it just not invaded Ukraine, the rest of the world had basically turned a blind eye to it (it wasn’t right, but that was the reality), instead they get to watch their military turn to dust, just like Putin will be doing within a decade.
So you’re saying Crimea is not part of Ukraine?
I’m not saying that all, but facts on the ground were that, 2014–2022, Russia had control of Crimea and nobody was going to do anything about that for fear of getting into conflict with Russia. That Crimea even “passed” into Russian hands without much of a fight from the international community is probably what emboldened Putin to go after the rest of Ukraine. What I’m saying is that had he stuck to just that sort of low-level “piecemeal” approach to carving out sections of Ukraine, like what was do e with Crimea, he wouldn’t have gotten nearly the amount of international backlash that he got.
Is Crimea part of Ukraine? Yes, but when it comes to international borders, facts on the ground are what matter in the long-run. Had Putin bided his time, eventually it would’ve just been accepted as fact. Nobody else would’ve ever cared enough to start a war over it. With Putin going for all-out-war though, he’s revealed Russia’s military weakness and facts on the ground have become mutable again, giving us the chance that we’ll hopefully see Crimea come back into Ukraine.
I’m not judging who is or who isn’t a warmonger or whatever, let’s just be pragmatic, it makes no sense at all for Russia to accept those terms. Were u expecting the Russian Govt. to suddenly wake up one morning feeling bad for what they’ve done and just move the troops out of Ukraine, including Crimea who’s under Russian control for over a decade now, and say “sorry, my bad”? This 10 point plan they “proposed” was only made so western media can say they’re trying to stop the war, which they aren’t. And again, I’m not saying they have to stop the war, I’m just analyzing things objectively.
I’m saying Putin can stop this war right now by going home. This is all Putins’ fault supported by oligarchs. It makes complete sense for putin to accept these terms, because he will eventually be forced to.
What makes you believe we will eventually be forced? Do you still think our sanctions will make Russia collapse?
When the bombs are on his doorstep caused by his own ignorance.
So you’re cheering for WW3?
There are no oligarchs in Russia.
Words have meanings. An oligarch is someone who has political power through wealth.
Russia is an autocracy, and Putin allows people to be rich, so long as they don’t try to translate that into political power.
America has oligarchs, Russia just has rich people that contribute to an autocracy.
… I’m honestly not sure which is more evil as a political system.
I would say what is in the U.S. because there are more thorns that have to be removed from the rose.
The Ukrainian counter offensive stopped at a brick wall
What a bunch of Putin propagandistic nonsense.
Either Putin propagandists have now infiltrated mainstream liberal media or you have no clue regarding the state of the war, I’m going to go with the latter here
holy shit stop invading and leave? OUTRAGEOUS! the nerve of zelensky to ask for what is Ukraine’s! I think you should go join the trenches to show how mad you are!
No, see when he says “a fairer distribution of global benefits” that needs to start with distributing ukrainian benefits to russian oligarchs obviously!
Zelensky knowing that there wasn’t a hope in hell of Russians accepting this is false? You know it, I know it, we all know it. It’s just politics. Of course Zelensky has to offer something, even if he knows they won’t bite.
The Russians have to claw something out of this debacle to sue for peace. And I hope the Ukrainians give them nothing, and take back the Crimea while they’re at it.
Up until about a week ago, this talking point was still current, but it’s time for a refresh.
They’re making slow progress constantly but the front lines are barely moving. There’s obviously a chance for a big break through as the first defences are always the heaviest and it should get easier after that, but there’s still a long way to go, and they’re both taking heavy casualties every single day.
The only actual progress being made is in destroying the equipment NATO managed to cobble together and losing trained manpower. Even if a miracle happened and Ukraine managed to make some breakthrough, what exactly is it going to be consolidated with given that they spent past three and a half months beating their head against a wall. They’ve already thrown in all the reserve brigades that were originally meant to come in and consolidate the gains now.
They’re basically asking Russia to stop the war and give back all the territory they occupied.
I mean, if Putin doesn’t want to die, he can always gobtje fuck home. I mean he can still suck a bag of dicks and then choke on them.
Somehow I doubt that Russia will accept the outcome of the battlefield.
That’s because you don’t understand what the outcome on the battlefield will be, but you’ll see soon enough.
“Our future is being shaped by a struggle, a struggle between the global majority in favor of a fairer distribution of global benefits and civilized diversity and between the few who wield neocolonial methods of subjugation in order to maintain their domination which is slipping through their hands,” he said.
I mean, he’s not factually wrong, just framing it in reverse. Russia is indeed trying to colonize Ukraine to maintain their dominion which is slipping through their hands. It’s just not using neocolonial methods but good old armed conquest.
And the people in favor of a fairer distribution of global benefits aren’t the people he’s thinking of. I mean it’s also clearly not the US, but “taking what Ukraine has and giving it to Russian Oligarchs” is also not a fairer distribution.
You know what they say about the right: every accusation is a confession.
These guys might be the most self-aware wolves to have ever wolfed
They also seem to be having their faces eaten by leopards, for some reason.
What’s the difference between Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs?
Even IF ukrainian oligarchs were a problem…
Ukrainian oligarchs can get at ukrainian money without waging a war of aggression that causes nearly 30thousand civilian casualties.
As of right now? Armed military conquest and homophobic conspiracy theories.
Cool. Ok, let’s go ahead move that battlefield to Moscow now.
I’m not saying it’s not going to happen but Russia would have to attack NATO first.
No one wants to attack a nuclear power if they don’t have to.
NATO directly fighting Russian troops in Ukraine would be a big deal and quite unlikely already if it somehow got to that.
Russians need to be kicked out of Ukraine but they need to kick out Putin out of Russia themselves.
It’s anti-Democratic to interfere in the politics of other countries.
And yes, the US has done it a lot, and tries to keep it hushed up because it’s extremely wrong and unpopular behavior.
First, why would NATO risk escalation and bother losing troops when they can get Ukraine to do all the actual fighting?
it would only be forthcoming.
How about DC?
How is that whataboutism? Do you even know what that means or are you just a liberals parrot?
This guy gets called on it enough to have a cartoon but not enough to reconsider his words.
What did I say
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If only political leader would still take their sword and fight each other on the battlefield instead of letting the armies fight for those old geezers.
Even back in those days, the leaders rarely put themselves in any danger
I would love to see Putin try to lift a sword against Zelensky
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Alright Lavrov, grab a gun and get moving.
If any people deciding to go to wars had to really put their asses on the front lines the world would definitely be a peaceful place.
But as always, in both sides, only the poor working class is dying on the front line.
Those of all castes are fighting on the Ukrainian side.
Yes, of course, the working class in old western tanks and the rich and the politicians in their unicorns…
russia is running out of the poor though, weird who would have thought using human wave tactics would decimate a population…
a view taking hold among Ukraine’s allies that the war is likely to go on for years
That’s been obvious since 2014, and since the full invasion of last year.
The battlefield isn’t even being faught on the Ukrainian side using the most cutting edge of Western technology and you want to keep fighting? Holy shit.
I would love to see that guy getting drafted and thrown into the battlefield he’s bragging about.
I’d like to see that old fascist fucker on the front lines, to join the conscripts he’s sending to their deaths.
I fucking hate this guy’s guts. I know that’s why he’s so good at his job, but I just… ugh. Whenever I see his stupid face, it’s like I’m getting preliminarily angry.
I’m trying to remember what language it is, it might be German or Japanese, which has a word which translates “a face badly in need of a fist.” That’s this guy.
German, Backpfeifengesicht. I also like “Fresse wie’n Lexikon: Aufschlagen, zuschlagen, nachschlagen.”
And that’s why I will never learn German…
It’s okay, we’re aware it’s hard. :-/ The compound words aren’t even the worst part, actually—articles are the real killers. Those, and the fact that the grammatically correct word order changes depending on what kind of idea you’re trying to get across. Ugh.
On the other hand, English is its own can of worms. If I hadn’t learned English as my first foreign language, I’d have pulled my hair out, mostly because of the spelling.
English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.
He’s better spoken than any USA politician these days
Don’t you do my boy Pete like that
Trumps buddy is so brave 🤣
This sounds a lot like Hitler in the late 1930s (in the lead-up to World War 2).