What? Are the boy scouts from Temporal Affairs gonna storm in and make me “correct” the timeline?
Captain Braxton barges in
No! We’ll blow up your fucking ship!
“Time travel. Since my first day on the job as a Starfleet captain I swore I’d never let myself get caught in one of these godforsaken paradoxes - the future is the past, the past is the future, it all gives me a headache.” ~ Captain Kathryn Janeway
*Sighuuuughhhhhhhh* I’m getting too old for this merde.
-Temporal Agent Daniels
Captain Braxton twitches
Daniels… That bitch left me stranded on post industrial earth for 30 years. Be careful.
Just watched that episode. I love how they’re just as sick of Janeway as Janeway is of them.
For real. That last dude saying to Janeway “Voyager shows up on our sensors far too often”… I thought Janeway was about to slap the ears off of him
I hope Mayweather signed his plate
Wow! Where was this pic from? I can’t think of crossovers between them?
I’m about 98% certain that RDM directed a handful of Enterprise episodes. Looks to me like threw on his old Voyager costume one day so the two shows’ helmsmen could take a photo together.
The last season of Voyager was filming in the same studio complex as Enterprise during its first season, er? Robert Duncan McNeill (Tom Paris) looks like he just wandered on to the Enterprise set to say hi, maybe he knew the guy in the photo (sorry didn’t really watch much Enterprise dunno the character/actor)? It looks like the Enterprise set, and the other performers in the background of the photo are wearing Enterprise uniforms, maybe someone recognizes the battle damage and can confirm its a season 1 episode?
Character’s name is Ensign Travis Mayweather and he’s played by Anthony Montgomery :)
Everybody’s favorite space boomer!
This is my favorite space Boomer.
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