Why is it hard? Because you’re killing your plant children? Or Because it’s difficult?
Looks lovely.
A LOT can go wrong at this part, and none can be fixed anymore.
Ideally it takes 2 weeks to dry the plant, if it dries too fast or too much it can ruin the next part, the cure. The plant can get mold or mildew even if conditions are perfect
Trimming is also tedious, just takes a long time, and the more care and attention the better the end product. Leaving sugar leaves can lose a couple percentage in total THC.
Personally carpal tunnel and arthritis make the already tedious parts even worse.
Also the fact that all the weed is right there, it’s hard not to smoke it up
Still got plenty from my last soil grow, so this stuff is safe, except for the accidental cut nugs that is….
Well, you gotta try it to make sure it’s good
That was last weeks tester nug, but you can never have enough.
What happens if you wait too long to cut it down? Does the potency degrade?
The plant matures more, which can mean quite a few potential things.
It can try and self itself through rhodelization, it can increase or decrease potency, but what’s guaranteed is for more trichomes to be mature (amber) which has more CBN(?) which would put you on the couch more.