Not many other ways to make 1.1 million people really angry, on top of all else. Not everyone there is a terrorist, but they all have to pay the price for the actions of those whose are.
Oh there’ll be a much larger number of terrorists after this.
Honestly can’t blame them if they did. Obviously killing Israeli civilians is indefensible but they are ensuring that thousands more will grow up hating all Israelis. The same logic Israelis and Israel supporters are using to kill innocent Palestinians is what Hamas runs off of. Each group blaming the entire “other” group for everything. Exactly like netanyahu wanted all along I imagine.
I wouldn’t doubt that there’s also a fear that Israel will just annex the evacuated territory after this, to compound matters.
There’s no way they’re not gonna do that, they’re already annexing territories where people reside. People will move to the side that’s not getting bombed and when it’s all done, 2 million people will be living in half the small area they had at best.
Just in time for flu season.
I’d genuinely be shocked if they didn’t try to annex the majority of the land if not all of it. Cornering a mass of people isn’t a wise decision but they will use the inevitable violence as an excuse for all out ethnic cleansing
And if they don’t, its very likely they’ll just make it unlivable so the people can’t feasibly return The current Israeli government would be quite happy with Gaza City just being empty. That would solve a lot of long term problems with only short term consequences. A final solution to the Palestinian problem, if you would.
Turns out the Israelíes liked 1930s German policy, just not who it was directed against. They’re using the same playbook as the former oppressors of their people to inflict the generational pain onto others.
Interesting to see them justify how much God supports their hatred.
Actually, after Saturday, all Israelis will grow up with more confidence that Hamas’ military base (Palestine) is there to plan the murder of Israel. So no, you are wrong because you forgot that fact
That’s the message Israelíes are sold just like the Palestinians are told the israelians are out to kill them all.
They’re all being fooled by a very small number of people holding all the control on either side.
A much higher number of justifications for that government to crack down even further. First you demonize the enemy, then you strike against them, and when they inevitably defend themselves, you have a justification to kill the people trying to kill yours. That playbook is millenia old and still works.
We call it fascism now.
Palestine is not a regular place. It is a military base for terrorists. Downvote all you want, this is a fact you will need to understand.
The Gaza strip has over 2 million people, half of which are under 18. That is a “fact you will need to understand” before you go around defending the atrocities Israel is and will commit.
Israel is defending itself from future attacks like Saturday. It doesn’t matter what your feelings are about this the fact is Palestine is a terrorist military base, and Israel is about to liberate it.
Let me try to put this in a different perspective. First: Gaza has an average age of about 19 years old, and a bit more than half of the population is under 18. Second: there was a Reuters report and video yesterday about how the cemeteries are full so people are burying their loved ones in donated vacant lots with cinder blocks and bits of rubble as gravestones.
To emphasize and clarify the point: half the population is children and they’ve run out of space for more graves.
Hundreds of terrorists attacked innocent people, including babies on Saturday. You’re a coward for defending terrorists.
I never said anything about defending Hamas. If there was a way to extract them and offer them up to the Hague without endangering innocent civilians, I’d be all for it. But we should put Netanyahu and his cabinet on trial as well. There can be more than one monster at a time
So what? Turn the other cheek and love your neighbor, coward.
Palestine is defending itself from future attacks like the last several decades. It doesn’t matter what your feelings are about this the fact is Israel is a terrorist military base, and Palestine is about to liberate it.
You are wrong and you are just proving my point
You offer no truths except hollow words that echoed around your empty brain.
You know nothing about the truth of the situation, only what your propaganda has lied to you about, and you’re top stupid, ignorant, or paid to spread disinformation to consider another point of view.
Whatever it takes to liberate Gaza, including the death of 614 children?
I’m not saying Israel is wrong to retaliate against Hamas, but there are innocent people caught in the middle of that war, it’s a god damn tragedy…
“We need to reduce the number of Slavs in Eastern Europe to defend ourselves from future attacks from the barbaric hoards.”
That’s exactly the rhetoric Hitler used.
Honestly just so happy my federal government agrees with me.
If you believe that, then you have no concept of reality and just accept whatever fantasy is told to you to make you angry.
I pity you.
It is a military base for terrorists whether you will admit that or not is up to you.
I agree that Israel is a military base for terrorists just as much as Palestine is
That is your problem right there. Focus on your problem please.
Then shut the fuck up, get off the Internet, and keep this problem in your own fucking backyard instead of spreading your victim complex and hatred across the globe.
Get fucked
Unrelated, but I love these posts. They help me block users I really don’t want to interact with, not now or in the future.
Guys, just block an move one, it’s better for your mental health. Let them speak to dead air, you can’t argue with these people.
People I’m blocking: racists, mysogynists, transphobes, homophobes, any kind of ‘phobe’ actually that has to do with people’s own body or sex, ‘grab them by the pussy’ guys, …
Dude. We’re watching genocide on the television. Give up.
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You’re beyond my proclivities. Hope you find peace.
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Nice projection. Wish I could help you. But I’m not trained for trauma. Whatever it was, it’s not your fault.
I’d say a fairly high percentage of them agree with what Hamas did. That’s the Islamic world for you.
What’s Hamas mad about? Have they been the subject of unjust oppression or something? As if perhaps the collective world is saying “Well of fucking course this would happen, look at what they are forced to experience”? Are there political options to end the genocidal policies that are reasonable for the continued existence of both people? Are people forced to choose leaders that present the only solution available for the option of a life not under constant oppression like a WWII Warsaw ghetto?
Nah, that can’t be it, they must just hate the Jews or something.
Says the ‘probably’ christian whose people have committed the most genocides in the history of this world.
Correction, that’s any oppressed society for you.
If I lived in Gaza now, I probably would have started to think Hamas were right all along.
And the only reason I’m not, is because I was lucky in my birth lottery. I am here not there. I am safe, and not there in danger for my life.
It’s literally just luck.
Not everybody is so lucky.
I wish cooperation was a lot more typical in the world, instead of the egoistic and power hungry normal that it is. Doing whatever one can do to get an upper hand, instead of just trying to make the world a better place. In the long run, we all would benefit.
Hammas killed more Palestinians than Israel did. When they came to power they commited mass murder of opposing political parties within Gaza Strip. Hammas is a fanatic religious group. They took both the residents of Gaza Strip and Israel hostage.
But would the people present in Gaza currently know that?
All they would see and feel are airstrikes and bombs being dropped on them.
The point is, this is going to create far more radicalism than it would solve.
Are you hinting that the Palestine people are retarded? They know it. Does it make better? No. It’s a cluster fuck
The Palestine people are mostly kids
Israel won’t mind. Just less Palestinians to worry about.
I mean, it is REAL fucked but those patients are already dead for all intents and purposes.
Gaza is under siege with supplies cut off. I personally think that is horrifically barbaric but i also understand that Hamas will have first dibs on any resources (similar to the issue with Afghanistan). That is not going to change so…
But also, even if power and water weren’t cut off? Hamas has made it abundantly clear they will use human shields, Palestinian or Israeli, to protect themselves. And the IDF has made it clear they will bomb Hamas anyway at this point.
So it is only a matter of time until those patients, who won’t be released, die in the crossfire.
Which is the true nature of guerilla warfare. You either ignore your targets any time they touch home base. Or you murder a bunch of civilians, make martyrs, and ensure that two more soldiers will take up arms for every one you kill.
Both of which will lead to more attacks and more “Why was nothing done to prevent this” accusations and even more “We aren’t saying you should kill those civilians. But you should definitely kill those terrorists and we are going to look the other way while we wring our hands” to perpetuate the cycle.
You know though. I can see this but there is also the bombing. I feel like both of these at the same time is a rock and hard place. If they just did the cutoff at least civilians might be able to refugee someplace.
Again, if there is a known safe haven, guerilla fighters will use it. This has come up with every major terrorist group. If they spent all their time in giant compounds out in the field, those fields would be craters.
That isn’t to say the IDF haven’t used this as excuses to attack aid organizations and journalists in the past. But there is also a lot of truth to the idea that you might have reporters on the tenth floor and a terrorist meeting on the fifth.
But also? Just the cutoff will kill those patients. You need power for medical equipment. You need running water (or power) to wash your hands. And you need medical supplies. I THINK aid organizations have found ways to get the last part in, but it is still bleak.
I am not sure whether more or fewer civilians will die in the evacuation over the war itself. I am hoping fewer but… But those patients aren’t going to be released and already are more or less dead unless the siege is lifted.
Again, if there is a known safe haven, guerilla fighters will use it.
Are you saying the IDF are idiots for thinking Hamas will stay in the north?
Or are you saying it’s obvious bullshit that IDF will leave the South alone if the north actually does evacuate?
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🇮🇱: “Evacuate 1.1 million people in 24 hours so that we can say we didn’t commit war crimes.”
🇵🇸: “Are you going to donate buses, hospital supplies and temporary housing so that we can, you know, handle that?”
🇮🇱: “Do I look like fucking Red Cross to you? This is a bomb threat.”
🇵🇸: “Who’s the terrorist now?”
Palestine was never terrorist. Only hamas.
Try to convince Israel that Palestine is not a terrorist state (impossible)
Isn’t that the idea?
It’s totally okay to label Hamas as terrorists if they act like terrorists. But that doesn’t make all Palestinians terrorists. And it’s obviously not okay to order an entire ethnic population to just go somewhere else or to attack civilians.
Israel is a genicidal apartheid state.
Hammas local command is built in tunnels under an hospital in Gaza Strip. The options Israel have are: A. Don’t hurt Hammad to save Palestinians but suffer more attacks on Israelis. B. Kill every last hammas member, getting some Palestinians dead, but saving its own citizans.
Shity options, one has to be made.
On the grand scale of things, Hammad directly killed more Palestinians than Israel did. They murdered membera of FATAH for example. So if this war actually eliminate Hammas (spoiler: it won’t) than it will save the life of many Palestinians that don’t agree with Hammas.
But wannabe leftists on the Interwebs from safe westarn countries want to be cute and defend Hammas cus they are supposdly the opersed party.
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You reply like a retarded propoganda bot. The map you are refering to is misinformation, in 1946 Palestines owned less than 2% of the marked land. The rest was state owned, first by the othmans, then the Brits.
Israel is commiting many war crimes, but genocide is not one of them. On the count of killing Palestinians Hammas is way ahead and killed much more than Israel did.
And for your last paragraph, I already wrote, it will not eliminate Hammas.
The reason Hammas attacked Israel has nothinng to do with the shit you said, it’s because Hammas is a religious group that want to kill all Jews world wide, and then put the shria law every where. They are not different from ISIS.
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If Hamas cares about Gaza residents they will voluntarily hand themselves over.
You think Israel would stop if Hamas turned themselves in? /s
That is sadly what I fear, too. They had the Gaza strip locked down in all sorts of ways before and they will not award the Palestinians any breathing room…
Yes. Israel is defending themselves against Hamas terrorists, they don’t fight for fun. “It is true we have won all our wars, but we have paid for them. We don’t want victories anymore.” - Golda Meir.
Empty rhetoric and hollow quotes. Hope whatever state apparatus you’re with is paying you overtime.
Have they not tried to reach terms about 16 times already? Palestine refused all attempts even ones that offered 2 states.
What on Earth would lead you to think Hamas cares about Gaza residents? The whole point of Hamas’s attacks was to provoke this sort of Israeli reaction. The innocent Palestinians who are going to die in this attack are no more than disposable pawns and human shields to Hamas.