The only rule i can tell you is this one.
This session has ended with a King of Diamonds. Continue playing on !
places a king of diamonds
“God save the King”
places an ace of spades
“Ace of spades”
Please post as a toplevel comment so i can keep track of the timeline. ❌
This session has ended with king of diamonds as last valid card.
Play the uno reverse card
Really? What game do you think this is, 4D chess? Clearly, you’ve got the brain capacity of a pawn. Must be completely lost to think you can just play anything you fancy. You’re genuinely the worst; I’ve seen more strategy from a toddler with checkers. Utterly pathetic.
Penalty: illegal play.
? The reverse card has no color so you can play it at any time. You don’t seem to play chess very often?
perform maoism
Really? What game do you think this is, 4D chess? Clearly, you’ve got the brain capacity of a pawn. Must be completely lost to think you can just play anything you fancy. You’re genuinely the worst. I’ve seen more strategy from a toddler with checkers. Utterly pathetic.
If maoism isn’t allowed, maybe anarchosyndicalism?
Penalty: unnecessary talking.
You may play any card from a standard deck of cards.
places an ace of hearts “thank you very much”
point of order!
Go ahead if you have anything to say.
Shadow the Hedgehog is a b-
❌ I can recognize a fake!
❌ Please post as a toplevel comment so i can keep track of the timeline.
is that a northern lights ltt deskpad?
This session has ended, please go here !
Also those are horribly small to read. is there a more convenient way to check them besides copy paste in search engine?