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tweet by Melanie Balke: If you’re having a bad day just remember that the Salzburg airport has a counter for people who flew to Austria instead of Australia
Edit: Dang it’s fake
It’s actually an ad, there is no counter for people mistaking Austria and Australia.
Paywalled article.
Yeah not very cash money
Dammit, I had a feeling it was too good to be true, but you know, you can never really tell with Americans. Well, I edited the post now.
If it makes you feel any better: my mum works for postal services in Austria and they have a stamp thingy that says something like ‘missent to Austria, send to Australia’
“You can never tell with Americans”?
What does that even mean lmao. Do people outside of the US not make jokes or lie?
No, I meant it more like that English is basically the only language in which Austria and Australia might be confused, and that the US is practically the only English-speaking place that is far enough from both of these places to be able to confuse them so badly as to go to the wrong one. And, you know, there is this stereotype that Americans are terrible at world geography.
edit: typo
Stereotypes are ok when it’s americans, poles or gypsies in Europe.
deleted by creator
Probably could have figured it out if you used more information then jingoist stereotypes.
But it’s the stupid american’s fault he’s a gullible idiot
I’m sorry, I really did not put that much thought into the post. But you do realise there certainly are examples of Americans who are not all too familiar with the geography of the rest of the world, and additionally, I actually know of a person who accidentally flew to Rome in the wrong country.
And there are examples of the same from every European country. It changes nothing about what I said. I know you didn’t put any thought into it. That’s my entire point, maybe Europe should put a little thought into being nationalist assholes.
Furthermore, I’ve met a lot of Europeans and I know yall know next to no geography knowledge outside of Europe and treat European geography like world geography. So again, the high horse is very much imaginary.
Yes, I am perfectly aware, and again, I apologise. But the British and Irish are too close to Austria to possibly make such a mistake, and New Zealand and English speaking Oceania are too close to Australia, and the rest of the English-speaking world is either too small or too poor to be significant.
And, while it is by no means a good way of thinking about people, stereotypes are based on something, and in this case, it might have something to do with that Americans, due to the size of their country, don’t interact with the rest of the world quite as much. Again, I am not trying to say that this is an accurate representation of reality in any way.
Edit: typo
Stereotypes are literally not true, that’s my entire point. Believing them makes you an ignorant moron.
Stereotypes not applying to everyone does not mean they apply to no one.
Check this out, for instance:
“Less than half of the respondents were able to identify Afghanistan as the country that provided al-Qaeda with safe haven prior to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, despite America having waged a war in Afghanistan due to this fact for nearly two decades.”
“Just over half could identify Iraq on a map, even though one hundred thousand American soldiers were in the country just a decade ago.”
“Although it is true that people sometimes confuse Austria with Australia, we have never heard of a single passenger who landed in Austria instead of Australia in error,” a spokeswoman from Salzburg Airport told The Local.
Maybe no one wanted to admit it
No shit I lived in Australia for a while and there was a Dutch stoner I used to hang with who booked a flight to Melbourne Florida instead of Melbs Oz.
tbh I’d say this is the americans fault for stealing city names all the time
americans fault for stealing city names all the time
Half of Aus place names are lifted straight from the UK.
Classic example:
When I was in the service, one guy booked his return flight off of a 96 and flew to Jacksonville, FL instead of Jacksonville, NC. He had all kinds of fun trying to get out of an AWOL charge.
Put another Apfelstrudel on the barbie.
90’s dude at LAX heard the boarding call for Oakland and ended up in Auckland.
And they made him get right back on a return flight to LAX. Ouch.
You’re a good op for adding that edit