Nice suit he’s wearing there.
I believe according to his own rules you can stone him to death for mixing two different fibres.
I’ll bet he’s also eaten shellfish, and mixed meat with dairy.
Isn’t that in the Torah? I have never met a Christian who didn’t mix meat with dairy, that’s Judaism. Imagine Christian America if you told them they can’t eat cheeseburgers lmao. Actually, I think that might be the best way to beat religion in America. Ban cheeseburgers on religious grounds. Fat white balding men the nation over will revolt, once their arteries clear up from not eating burgers, that is.
Well, it’s in Leviticus. Which is in the Old Testament in the bible that these fuckheads still espouse. And before anyone comes along and says: “But, Jesus swept all that away!!!” Remember that wingnuts still cite Leviticus (20:13, to be precise) as justification for persecuting homosexuals.
Here’s the trick. Jesus swept away the conviction rules but not the sin rules. As in some things aren’t bad per se, they’re just rules to show your devotion. Jesus made is so you don’t have to do those things anymore.
Now, what’s bad and what’s an arbitrary rule? Who the fuck knows? It’s a free pass to have your own rules.
That makes sense, thanks. It’s been a couple decades since I’ve set foot anywhere Christian, and I hope to continue that streak for a few more, so I’d rather ask you than a Christian 😂
Isn’t that in the Torah?
Yes, it’s in Exodus. Exodus is part of the Torah, as well as the Old Testament, along with Leviticus. The Torah is the first 5 books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)
Leviticus (11:9-12) is where shellfish are banned, mixed seed or fabrics (19:19) It is where modern Christians cherry-pick their justifications on being anti-LGBTQ. (Lev. 18:22, 20:13)
Point is, they cherry-pick from the Old Testament when it suits them, and if you look at the rest of the rules in the books they reference that they ignore (e.g. tattoos, touching pig skin, eating pork, shellfish, etc. etc. ) it’s totally fair game to point out the rules they ignore in the same books as the ones they cite.
Just like the constitution, republicans only pay attention to the parts of the bible that they agree with.
It’s all arbitrary and stupid and differentiating between Abrahamic faiths is a waste of breath
He looks like the kind of guy that would enjoy a lukewarm milk steak.
The unholy cheeseburger
Thanks, that’s my band name now
Noooo that’s the part of the Bible we ignore because it doesn’t fit my selfish agenda!
These people would be laughable if they weren’t so dangerous.
Kind of where I’m at. I start laughing and then I get sad.
Just be sad all the time. Cut out the middle man.
Pretty sure we learn evolution in the rest of the world, and um we don’t have school shootings, again this is a very American problem
“We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!”
Yeah but america is just too special and so teaching evolution has that magic effect on people there.
God just doesn’t care about the other countries as much.
most Americans can’t even comprehend the rest of the world doesn’t have a walgreens on every corner let alone how we look on in horror while they defend the rational need to be armed
Whoa! You can have any gun you want, but we draw the line at allowing logic.
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This guy is a fucking insane Christofacist piece of shit. Seriously, anyone who thinks mythology from the bronze age is a better source than hundreds of years of scientific discovery is deluding themselves. Our country is so fucked.
Side note: Machine guns shoot many bullets with a single trigger pull and have more stringent laws than other guns that require a trigger pull per shot.
Uh, it’s actually very hard to get a hold of a machine gun, the grandfathered legal ones cost like $100k.
Is that the America we want?
Where only upper middle class have the right to Ma Deuce?
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A bump stock arguably makes it full auto, but it doesn’t make it a machinegun.
Arguably the reason this thread is confused is that the word ‘machine gun’ doesn’t refer so much to physical characteristics, but more to a usage: they’re meant for sustained covering fire rather than short bursts.
They are being under federal law because of the machine gun statute.
He’s in a room full of people that were also taught evolution. How is he not cowering in fear under the desk one of his fellow congresspeople won’t shot him? Maybe, just maybe, evolution has nothing to do with it?
Misleading headline: if you read the article and watch the video, he actually blames school shootings on the lack of moral education, with merely a reference to evolution teaching as an example of amoral atheism in the classroom.
So it’s not a cartoonish slogan, it’s actually a fairly standard fascist talking point.
And people say, ‘How can a young person go into their schoolhouse and open fire on their classmates?’ Because we’ve taught a whole generation, a couple generations now of Americans, that there’s no right or wrong, that it’s about survival of the fittest, and you evolve from the primordial slime. Why is that life of any sacred value? Because there’s nobody sacred to whom it’s owed. None of this should surprise us.
What’s the point of this post? You’ve tried to made a distinction without a difference. He literally blamed school shootings on the fact of teaching evolution.
It’s an apt editorialisation, but it’s not the whole story. The difference is the full quote will sound reasonable enough to a lot of people with a religious background. For instance, I can see my grandparents nodding a long to this, as they mentally insert their own specifics in place of “evolution did it.”
It’s not so easily dismissed as just saying the crazy thing outright, without padding.
Just when I honestly can’t think conservatives could go any further out of their way to embarrass America than they already do….
They elect people like [INSERT GENERIC WEALTHY WHITE MAN].
Obama would like to have a word.
Obama is a Democrat. I doubt many conservatives voted for him
At this point, I think most people who qualify as merely conservative are Democrats. The Republican party in general has moved far right of “conservative” and well into “fanatical”.
They elect people like [INSERT GENERIC WEALTHY WHITE MAN].
Obama’s non-white and was elected, but i keep forgetting the rule of all evil is cis white (rich) males. My bad.
Obama’s non-white and was elected
But not by conservatives, which is what the comment you replied to said.
Try doing more reading and less sassy quipping.
And lessen the quality of the internet? Surely you jest.
How many conservatives do you think voted for him?
Very few I’d assume.
Yeah he’s stupid, he’s a Republican, what do you expect? This is their whole party. The dumbest people from society all brought together by nonsense conspiracy theories, selfishness, and wilful ignorance.
Don’t forget greed! A number of them are smart, morally bankrupt people who are conning the dumbest segment of the population. That actually used to be the primary composition of the Republican party, then that dumbest segment of the population grew up and started running for office themselves.
They are the worst. In my state, the Republicans, in the name of freedom and free speech, are trying to push bills to require like three or five minutes of uninterrupted time for citizens who wish to speak at any public meeting .
Dumbass Republicans think oh that’s great, people should be able to speak at public meetings.
Business still has to get done though. That’s why limits on the timing and number of speakers and the conditions which require notice and public comment are well settled and this is a solution in search of a problem. What they are really intending to do is give extremist members of the public a statutory right to perpetually disrupt public meetings and prevent business from being done. This is part of their campaign too prevent well-meaning people from having the energy for public service.
Fuck off with your religion. Your god is a fiction invented by a conman for the explicit purpose of relegating you to the lower strata of society. Idiot.
I think Biden and Harris should not be in the same state at once, much less the same plane. Can’t afford to lose both at once.
oh for fucks sake
How school shooting becomes symbol of America’s freedom is beyond comedy.
It’s not like he was going to blame his supporters.
Exactly, or blame organizations with lobbyists who give money.
That thing with a super easy cause and solution actually is caused by this completely unrelated thing that I personally really dislike!
And since I have had very little education about anything at all, and the little education I did receive was mostly focused on nonsensical goat herders stories from 2000 years ago, you know I must be right!
wrong sub; not mild
I know. It’s Extremely Infuriating. But I found only one community for Extremely Infuriating that appears to be a ghost town.
Which is why I posted this here.