President Andrzej Duda has announced that he will give current Prime Minister Mateusz Morawicki and his national-conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, which has ruled Poland since 2015, the first opportunity to form a new government.

    1511 months ago

    And they will get no majority.

    Yes, it’ll take a bit longer until the current opposition is in power, but it will happen eventually.

    For example Austria’s president Viktor Klima in 1999 gave the election winner SPÖ the first Chance to form a government, but after weeks (I think even months) of negotiations they failed and the running-up party had a majority ready.

    • hh93
      511 months ago

      I read that that might lead to an extremely short time until the budget has to be done by the new government though which might lead to the president dissolving the parliament in the worst case? Or is that just fearmongering?

      As a bonus PiS has more time to cover their tracks and destroy documents and just cause as much damage to the system as they can.

      They are fully aware that the structures they built against the opposition can now be used against them and it will be very interesting to see how much the new government will use that power and how much restraint they will show for the sake of doing the right thing

      411 months ago

      Viktor Klima was never a president in Austria, he was Chancelor. President back then was Thomas Klestil.

      And the situation was different, there was a realistic chance for the SPÖ to form a government, as they had a majority together with their former coalition partner (who rather made a goverment with the radical-right then)

      In Poland, PiS has no chance whatsoever to form a government, as three opposition parties have a majority and publicly stated that they will form a government together. So, its just Duda giving his buddies another month to be corrupt and hide/cleanup what they have done.

      111 months ago

      Yeah, it’s not a big deal in itself. I think what many are more worried about is how obstructionist Duda will be in general. As I understand it he does have some veto powers. Had he given the tasl to form a government directly to the majority coalition it would probably be a positive sign he wouldn’t try to interfere much. Now it’s still kinda up in the air.