You know how when kids are learning to talk, they parrot some words without really understanding them? That’s how I recommend interpreting most of what Kanye says.
To your point, I think he also said “deathcon 3”.
Maybe he meant deathcamp. Not that that’s better, but at least a tiny bit less nonsensical? Just very concerning.
Yeah but who’s telling him those words?
The internet.
The voice in his head?
The people manipulating him for their own profit and power. You know who they are.
Defcon 3? He’s fueling his bombers and executing readiness drills?
Common thought is he didn’t know if 1 or 5 was worse, so he said 3.
I was gonna say, smartest thing he did here (which is definitely not a compliment to him) is going right in the middle so he wouldn’t have to figure out if higher or lower is more severe
Also in his original rant, he said “death con” instead of defcon.
LMAO Figaro
Nope, just Kanye being a dumbass and acting antisemitic. If he’s actually antisemitic is anyone’s guess, he also thought slavery was a choice.
If you’re asking if there was something “new” which prompted Kanye to act particularly unhinged, the answer is almost definitely some combination of “he’s off his meds” and “he’s got something new coming out and wants free publicity”
Not new to him, new to the conspiracy circles. Or the presence of a new conspiracy circle.
Tweeted defcon now we passed 3