Little homie looking up"hot pussy in my area"
Naw. Already has that taken care of. they was ordering fresh sushi for their lunch date.
Not really a date, but maybe a tail hookup. No way to know for sure until OP checks their history for catnip orders for same day home delivery.
OP is suddenly realizing where all that sushi came from… hehe
“No Google, hairy. Hot HAIRY pussy. Like REALLY hairy. Like, you’ll need a comb to find out which side is the head part.”
My search history is ruined.
I left a messenger app open once. My cat sent my boss about 500 dots. It came up as super rude, about 2 hours before that I had asked him something and made it clear that I was awaiting a response.
Is it at least their cat?
This is a great security feature. Is it an app?
No, it’s a cat. You can tell by the ears.
There used to be an app that was a cat. It was almost definitely spyware, though.
It’s a cool story
I heard some phone did that, but laptops as far as I am aware neither windows or MacOS supports it maybe some display-manager on Linux with custom patches would do it.
Windows has so many settings in local group policy editor for passwords, I’m sure there’s a way to detect failed attempts with a script in task scheduler and take a picture. I don’t know how myself but it’s probably possible. Idk about Mac. And for Linux, you can probably have it install a tracker on the thief’s phone over bluetooth…
Imagine someone holds the cat while trying to crack the password
Have you ever tried holding a cat?
S/he was probably trying to online order cat food
The cat food is probably always there. Kitty was trying to buy nip on the dark web.
“Password is not ‘hoominstoopid’, damn!”
Lol, cutie
How can I set up Kubuntu to do this?