Holy moly!
“If we don’t have Spotify working properly across Play services and core services, people will not buy Android phones,” Harrison testified.
Google: Sorry, other devs! You just aren’t as important as Spotify!
[I mean, they aren’t wrong. But this does not bode well for them!]
I mean, they could also say “Epic is just trash compared to Spotify as far as value to have on your platform goes” and I couldn’t really fault them for that.
I don’t think it causes issues for them specifically though. I bet they offered Epic deals, Epic just didn’t want them. If anything they could point to a few recipients of such deals and go “But look, we’re doing this, we just won’t do a deal with Tim Sweeney because well, who in their right mind would?”.
No wonder they are a bit of a brat about iOS.
How many more of Google’s anticompetitive practices don’t we know about, I wonder?