Fools. By exposing them to a low enough dose over and long enough period of time you will breed a new form of super vampires, completely immune to holy water!
I feel like this is more akin to vaporizing sulfuric acid than Iocaine powder.
Holy water with essential garlic oil extract.
If we dump enough holy water outside, it’ll enter the global water cycle and render the whole planet inhospitable to vampires.
It already happened, why do you think there are no more vampires around? It’s the pollution caused by the church!
Would it not be easier to have a mass blessing on each of the oceans? That takes care of 97% of the water.
I am horrified and intrigued
I am more horrified as to how her eyebrows hang weightless in the second frame.
Vampires hate this one trick …
OP, can I have the meme template for this one image?
Here you go. I didn’t have the images so I looked them up. I couldn’t find a good quality image of the second panel with his mouth opened, though.
In case OP doesn’t provide, the source is Komi Can’t Communicate
And for those wondering about the manga, here is the Wikipedia entry.
laughs in atheist vampire
Step 1, find out about vampired, step 2 apply for whatever lowest level can let you bless water online of clergy. step 3 bless the ocean. Eventually all water is now holywater, vampires die from any air humidity. step 4 profit.
That’s actually a great idea