Was not that spicy. 5/10
That looks like it contains about 7 ingredients that are banned in the EU 😳
Only seven?
Well they are considered vitamins in the US according to federal law, so, eat your damn vitamins, criminal scum!
That looks gross as fuck.
Do you have cancer now?
/S in terms of me being an asshole. Not /s in terms of me being honest.
Still felt better than that time I ate two whopper melts and felt like I had a baseball made out of cement in my stomach
If only chains had the balls to actually serve spicy food
Wendy’s did a ghost pepper cheese fry thing some time ago and it was honestly really respectable in terms of spice, It came out during my “3 million scoville hot sauce” phase and I loved it.
Generally when Wendy’s has done something spicy it’s been spicy.
Wendy’s spicy nuggets are by far my favorite fast food chicken nuggets
Most chains, especially if there large ones, and fast food in particular have business models designed to appeal to the greatest number. Often this is with a relatively small menu.
Tastes will vary greatly by area and person so “spicy” means spicy by the standards of the least spice inclined of the target demo.
The other thing to keep in mind is are they cooking it, or just heating it up? Restaurants where they cook you food rather than just heating up a prepackaged item will have more control over seasoning/flavor.
The KFC Nashville Hot stuff is pretty spicy, but they keep taking it off the menu near me
It looks like a hamburger from a cartoon lol
I don’t think eating play dough is a good idea.
It’s somehow less salty than most fast food.
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It’s not hot unless it burns like a fire on both ends.
Mmmm diarrhea
You get to regret eating it twice. Once during ingestion, and a second time when it leaves an orange streak in your toilet.
What colour is it when it comes out the other end?
It was regular. I think they learned their lesson from the black Halloween whooper
“To make poop turn that color green, it would require far more dye than is in the typical type of A.1.,” said Pamela Reilly of Indianapolis, a naturopathic doctor and certified nutrition counselor
So… not a real doctor? Why would they contact a pseudoscience practitioner for expertise on food dyes?
In my portion of the world, we get very poor information from nutrition experts. We are required to see nutritionists due to our insurance and health systems, but they are not doctors and usually all have wildly different opinions.
Doing the lord’s work with this field report.
Betcha don’t even have to chew it.
I need to get me some of that!
FYI this ended Halloween so I missed it again.