The presentation used the example, “Imagine ChatGPT, but it already knows everything about your life.”
I’m impressed someone thought of that, wrote a presentation, rehearsed it, then presented it and at no point thought that it sounds creepy and invasive.
It sounds like exactly what I would want, if it were open source, audited, and under my direct control.
It sound like exactly what i have been saying is the future of human growth.
Ai companions that are like a butler, best friend, therapist, mailperson, accountant, lawyer all in one.
Your ai talks to their ai, before you ever met they each return a baseline of info, conversational opener and suggestions for meeting at a date/location
And absolutely yes on the open source under my direct control cause holy shit end of the world if it is not.
I really don’t get users.
Google already has the capacity to be doing this level of analysis on your data that you gave them to host for their own private internal purposes.
But we should reject the opportunity to have that aggregate picture of our data turned back over to ourselves to make the most of what’s already the case?
This really reminds me of the saying “nothing about the situation has changed, only your information about the situation has changed.”
They’re marketing this as a personal salesbot to advertisers now. That’s what changed.
Even if google has your data, up till now there was not much brain muscle to properly analyze it in a realistic and detailed collection of intelligent knowledge. Just some cheap tricks like daily patterns.
An ai could potentially use the same data to learn things about you that you yourself do not. Its not our information that has changed but googles ability to harvest addition information from the data they already have.
I don’t use google service myself but this should alarm people that do. The information they have provided is much more powerful then what was anticipated years ago.
suggests either these people are so detached from reality, or they are appealing this to very specific sets of people under the guise of a general appeal
not even family member know everything about life
is private
Ha ha, no.
Oh dont worry, we already have the data. This is just a formal announcement. Your new bot will arrive in 5 days.
The bot has already existed in a different form for years. Instead of you talking to it they asked it which ads are most effective to show you specifically.
Google is not just getting into ML. They’ve been at the bleeding edge for decades.
Google has announced the closure of Project Ellmann, ending minutes of speculations
You’re just being cute, right?
Project Ad-mann.
Google can’t even keep a podcast service going. I certainly wouldn’t trust them with a little buddy that I care about.
Jokes on us tho. Google is going ahead with this, it’s just never going to made available for public use. It’s only to use for figuring out exactly what we’ll buy.
Why have a bot just figure out what consumers want when it you can also have it do direct marketing?
This announcement wasn’t for consumers, but advertisers.
Mmmmm, how intimate? Will it know…everything? blushes
I propose that we do not.
Yeah, I’d rather not, piss off.
A chatbot that needs to mind its own damn business, I say.
No thanks.
I’ve literally dreamed of having such a boy since the late 90s. But decades of following the tech industry since have shown me how I might not want that after all…
You probably meant bot (and not boy) but it sure made a funny mental image. I’m imagining a little robo Pinocchio type boy