A Christian mother and daughter were shot dead by an Israeli soldier on the grounds of a Catholic church in Gaza City on Saturday, the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem said.
One was killed as she tried to carry the other to safety," it added.
Ah yes the IDF using their learned war crime tactics against civilian women in a church.
And yet you won’t hear a peep about this from the ‘Christians’ in the West.
I know Hamas is a thing and I don’t support it, but it really saddens me to see Israelis do things that were done to them just 80 years ago. There’s enough space for all of us on this planet.
See that’s the thing, Israelis by and large aren’t the Jews that survived the Holocaust, most of those folks stayed in Europe or immigrated to the US and Canada.
Ashkenazi Jews in Israel who trace back to an arrival from that period are mostly the folks that handed the Nazis a fat stack to transfer their monetary assets to the banking infrastructure already established by the Zionists in Israel.
Of the Holocaust Survivor families that ended up in Israel, a third live in abject poverty, because again, these were the folks that couldn’t just pay off the Nazis to let them go somewhere else, all of them face language discrimination because Israel banned the official use of historical Jewish languages like Ladino, Yiddish, and Mizrahi, and all of them risk getting slurred at by the non-holocaust-survivor families, specifically calling them Soap which is just one of the most blatantly heinous things I’ve discovered about how one community gets treated by another.
There’s also the Russian Jews who ignore comparisons to the Holocaust and identify more with it being a rightful act of irredentism akin to the war in Ukraine.
I’m not doubting you, but do you have any sources? I’d like to read more.
Not an article but this one does have a direct quote on the slur, https://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=84135
thanks for the links. can you replace one link with its non-AMPd version? thanks.
you can read why AMP is baad for the web
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The ones in poverty are mostly ones who came later on in the 1990’s from former Soviet Union, and usually didn’t or couldn’t contact authorities or know about what they deserve because of the language barrier - As many of them only speak Russian.
It’s incredibly unfortunate, and almost all Israeli Jews see supporting them and helping them as important.Imagine those poor government aid workers who want to help all the Holocaust survivors but just can’t figure out who they are because they don’t speak Russian! Must be awful for them!
I think the point is simply that there are language barriers that create problems. This is totally believable and is a coordinating issue in any country where there are immigrants who need social services but don’t speak the primary language. Not everything has to be down to all Israelis being bad people and not actually giving a fuck.
Nobody said all Israelis are bad. I’m American so I know all about shitty countries having a lot of good people in them.
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But even if they do, they still remain in poverty and are mistreated. It’s a symptom of what Israel is… When you drop the rights of some people, you don’t stop, you keep dropping the rights of more people.
Here’s a good report on it: https://youtu.be/KMIIxCR2utQ?feature=shared
The video answers your first question. I would recommend watching it.
Have you done that? It only interviews Israelis and you can hear it from the mouths of holocaust survivors themselves.
I’m not talking about rising living costs. I’m talking about holocaust survivors picking leftover fruit from the ground after the grocery stalls close down.
Ladies and gentlemen meet “the most moral army in the world”…
But Biden said they have the right to defend themselves.
The Roman empire famously never fought an offensive war. They were always defensive wars. Sometimes preemptive defensive wars.
Preemptive defense, looks a heck of a lot like an offense, to the victims
To be honest, the Roman empire’s favorite target was… the Roman empire. They fought more internal than external wars, especially from the 3rd century onwards.
It would depend a lot, Carthage for example absolutely was going to shoot first if Rome didn’t, the Hellenistic world as well most likely, especially after Hannibal fled there after the second Punic War.
― Ben-Gvir. Israeli far-right politician and Minister of National Security since 2022.
Isn’t Ben-Gvir the person who purposefully vandalized the former PM Rabin’s car and who was suspected of having connections to those involved in assassinating Rabin?
I’ve linked to his wikipedia article above. Here’s a relevant quote:
In 1995, Ben-Gvir came to public attention for the first time, when he appeared on television brandishing a Cadillac hood ornament that had been stolen from Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s car, and declared: “We got to his car, and we’ll get to him too.” Several weeks later, Rabin was assassinated by right-wing extremist Yigal Amir.
But that’s arguably not even the worst bit in the article.
You’d think if they were gonna break out ancient traditions of discrimination against Christians that they’d get creative and do something making Lion noises at them.
Religious folk aren’t the most creative, ironically enough.
Zionists are the new Nazis.
Treat them as such.
Israel’s campaign to crush the militant group has so far killed at least 18,800, mostly women and children, according to the territory’s Hamas government.
Calling it “Israel’s campaign to crush the militant group” is arguably too charitable at this point.
Nothing “arguably” about it. It is a deliberate campaign of genocide against a people, NOT a military campaign focused on Hamas.
The Israelis governments efforts to solve the Palestinian problem…
This is it!
For those who are uninformed, Nazis struggled with the exact same issue and their solution was the Holocaust.
Here you go, well-documented history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_question
“Israel’s campaign to crush the
militantgroup”There we go.
Here are the women in question, by the way. They shot the older mother (“grandmother”) first and her daughter, the middle-aged woman, tried to drag her to the church before the IDF shot and killed her as well.
Zionists are the new Nazis.
If you mean the political party, that would be Likud aka plural Likudniks. Translates to “consolidation” in Hebrew, as in, the coalition of right wing interests in Israeli government. There are more moderate factions but they lost. The best way to stop the genocide is to dismantle the party. It took world war 2 to stop the third reich’s momentum. We could also try to convince Dr. Frankenstein to bring his monster to heel, even if only for their own stupid sake
Yea fuck these Nazis https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hapoel_Hatzair
I don’t like thinking hard so I just generalize an entire group of people and call them Nazis. Anyone who supports Palestine are Hamas agents. Do you not see how dumb that sounds? If you cared to read both Palestinian and Israeli history you would know both sides are filled with good and bad people. Calling all Zionists Nazis is such a giant fuck you to the thousands of Jews who immigrated to Israel and were very vocal about pacifism and coexistence. Tribalism is wrong, knock it off.
The current government of Israel is committing genocide against Palestinian people. I don’t know that “Zionist” is the right word to describe a person that supports the Israeli government’s actions, but they are absolutely comparable to the Nazis in the same way that Hamas and its supporters are unambiguously terrorists.
For your information: https://youtu.be/pJ9PKQbkJv8?si=qzfZ4eJ8vPFqFeH8
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