Mfw I’ve been standing outside with a tripod for 6 hours trying to get an exposure shot and the wind blows my camera over
6 hours is too long, the moon will have moved by then
So… now you have a picture of the wind! I think, I don’t understand how cameras work.
That physically hurt to read.
Except when you take that photo with a Samsung. Then the picture of the moon is always perfect.
Even if you take a picture of a blurry picture of the moon… curious.
Even if you take a picture of a white circle on a black background whilst half a mile underground.
Because the moon is perfect; just like you
This effect is real. I had a friend in college who was so attractive that she could barely go anywhere without strangers trying to talk to her. Boys made embarrassing confessions. Old people felt inexplicably compelled to tell her their life stories. It was actually baffling.
In photos she was only beautiful in a normal, mortal way, not mesmerizing. She had an effect in person that could not be captured, at least not with our old phone cameras.
Have you considered she was actually magic? /s
If it’s the Quantum moon, that’s how you keep it in place.
Unexpected Outer Wilds
If my dogs could talk, my self esteem would be through the roof.
I know I am ugly because cameras may lie but mirrors don’t.
You’ve never been to a fun house hall of mirrors?
Just need to get a superzoom camera and zooooooooooom. :)
Image Transcription: Tumblr
Go outside, look at the moon. The moons so pretty isn’t it. Yeah. Take a picture of the moon. Oh no bad picture it looks like a weird dumb speck. But the moons so pretty???
U know ur real pretty to. cameras arnt very nice sometimes. But your still pretty. Just like moon
a dog wrote this
Idk seems fine to me