Literally none of these are cats. Here you have:
- a fart squirrel
- a trash panda
- a teeny tapir
- a doggo lite
- and a tasmanian angel
You don’t have to be so pedantic, not all of us are taxidermists or whatever man.
Shoutout to:
And the less active:
Thx! Subbed to all of 'em!
Skunks actually make decent pets!
And have personalities similar to cats I’ve been told. No idea if that’s true, but I chose to believe it.
Weirdly enough I’ve had two in my life and one currently. It’s definitely hard to approximate how their personality is as dog or cat. Cat is most similar of the two but really they’re a unique really weird thing lol. Mostly like a weird funny ferret haha
How did you end up with pet skunks?
My mother bought them and gifted them to me, they came from a skunk breeder. She can’t understand that gifting someone an animal is not something anyone should ever do as it’s such a big commitment. Of course I love the skunk and she’s super sweet but still haha.
In my experience they’ve been pretty easy pets though. One wouldn’t think of them being better than a cat but my cats cause me much more stress than she does.
I assume they’re de-stinkified, how do they smell?
You’re correct. Other than that they don’t really smell.
Foxes can be domesticated and thereby become unforbidden
I can smell this image from here.
Smells like when I’m laying on my back and sneeze straight upward.
These are all pretty chill animals. Red panda and skunk can be a bit stinky though
Foxes too, they’re as acrid as skunks are. Lovely creatures, but let’s appreciate them from afar.
None of those are feline.
wow i can’t believe you figured that out, that’s impressive
All in common: Don’t touch my garbage!
Pretty sure none of those are from the Felidae family!
It’s not meant to be scientifically accurate. It’s a meme.
I know but I also saw how dumb people can be and due to that I want to point it out as it might enlighten some people
Hell ones a marsupial, which is its own fucken thing.
Are you sure they arent felidaes?
I petted an opossum once, it was playing dead therefore safe to touch.
My cats are friends with the opossums and skunks. Fuck the coons though they’re jackasses.
Foxes are closer to dogs and domesticated foxes exists.