Most of the Internet is just the random intrusive thoughts everyone has, but never say out loud, being said out loud. I’m pretty sure it originally started as a joke, but then I am reminded of this quote:
“Any group that gets its kicks by pretending to be stupid is eventually taken over by actually stupid people who believe they are in good company.”
I remember watching this happen to r/TheDonald in real time.
That’s how the recent flat earth movement got started.
With this logic, I will try to form a group called the crimson cummers and convice people that only soyboys cum white, real americans cum red.
What if the red is in streaks? What if the streaks become more prominent over time? What if there’s a smell?
Don’t worry about it. Doctors are expensive and living is overrated anyway. It’s probably fine.
Somebody on the internet: “U think bees can smell the flowers? Just a dude lovin’ his job, that’s purpose. Not like us, oh boy if I don’t sell the pointless squares right an old man is gonna project his angry breath at me and if this happens enough I become homeless again.”
Family in real life: “What they’re doing at CERN scares me. They’re gonna destroy the world! Also climate change is made up for some reason and I see no problem with oil companies.”
Too real, please dial it back a bit
Sorry to say but… I already did.
The dial doesn’t go any lower without a major loss in accuracy.
One of my all time favorite science internet videos, and it’s only a minute, can bees tell time?
I know it makes me sound like the old guy I am, but I lament the extinction of punctuation on social media.
Interestingly, no punctuation has become a form of punctuation. Ending your statement with no period has the effect of creating a softer landing for the sentence. With a period might come off too hard.
I’m out of the loop on this one. Are you for real?
It’s real.
Adding a period adds a sense of finality and emphasis, while ending your sentence without one means the tone is lighter. This is inherited from texting habits
Yup, there’s a book called “Because Internet” by Gretchen McCulloch that details intergenerational linguistics. Ultimately a lot of the answers boil down to “because internet” thus the name of the book, but it digs into the various causes of linguistic shifts in generations. Interestingly “written” communication has become much more relevant and so people have developed styles, techniques, and quirks to represent themselves. We see trends like young people not ending their sentences with periods, the use of ellipses, capitalization and more
Remember, linguistics is a descriptive science and not prescriptive. You can’t control how people communicate but you can observe trends
I’m not a professional linguist, but I can confirm. It’s about trying to set a tone for your written sentences. We don’t use periods when we talk in real life, you know? Adding them to a text makes it read too serious
I can’t see why they wouldn’t be
See how that sentence got that soft landing as opposed to this one that informs you of the nature of the statement it’s at the end of? The first one doesn’t direct you to get excited or to take the statement as a question, but it also doesn’t give the hard ending of a period. It lets the sentence “breathe”
… Are you for real?
this is an informal sentence
This makes it seem like I’m in a professional environment.
I don’t feel like it extends to long(er) form communication. Texting, absolutely.
is very different from
in text. Or lol is “that’s funny” and lol period is more “fuck you.” Longer things makes punctuation more necessary.
I find myself doing this to telegraph when I’m being sarcastic or facetious.
Yeah there’s a massive difference between “haha” and “haha.”
I died a little when people started misspelling headlines on reddit just for the comment correction clicks rather than just downvoting it into oblivion.
I have slowly relented on emoji since they can be handy at times but I dread using them so end up writing about 5x more to convey my intention than just using 😆😅😭🥹🤪🥺🤐😱🤬🤯🤮😈 or ☺️.
My problem with emojis is that they’re so often used for sarcasm that it’s hard to tell whether a 👍is supposed to be an “I agree” or a “yeah whatever”
Meaning there’s a better emoji. Thumbs up has and should always mean just thumbs up.
A more appropriate sarcastic thumbs up would be. 🤪👍
The whole point of emoji is to literally help convey the direct emotion. If someone just uses thumbs up with no context expecting it to be read as sarcasm, then they just suck.
Have you ever given someone a thumbs up irl without a dumbass face or full body twitch attached if it was sarcastic? I sure haven’t lol.
[Serious] People hate on sarcasm tags but I’d go even further and preface nearly everything with Elcor emotion tags.
Have you ever given someone a thumbs up irl without a dumbass face or full body twitch attached if it was sarcastic? I sure haven’t lol.
I actually have, when someone was annoying me. A goofy face wouldn’t convey the disinterest I have in continuing a conversation. I guess 😐👍 could work, but that requires enough effort that it undermines the disinterest part.
At least it doesn’t hurt the readability here. You should see the stream of consciousness Tumblr essays that use as little punctuation as possible and avoid all capitalisation.
Depends on the context–a short statement can be fully understood on its own if separated by a paragraph (or just the end of the message itself). Lack of punctuation is really only an issue with huge run-on sentences.
But I’m on board with a little message chilling on its own without a period
I was the guy who would spell out every word and use correct punctuation when sending texts on mobile phones.
Drugs aren’t the same for everyone…
Some people can do a line of coke and leave it at that. Others get a tiny taste and will do anything for the tiniest bit more.
It makes it very dangerous when people don’t understand human variation. People it doesn’t effect much or who aren’t prone to addiction will act like it’s no big deal, then some unlucky sucker who hangs out with at a club becomes an addict overnight.
I’m so glad it rained yesterday we really needed it
I don’t know why, but I keep thinking about this comment again and laughing. Thought you should know.
I get zero pleasure from cocaine. It’s literally just a tool to keep drinking. (NB: don’t do this. It’s terrible for your heart) But for some of my friends it’s the end-all, be-all. They wanna do lines all weekend and I’m just like, “why?”
Luckily for me alcohol is my cocaine.
I happen to enjoy both. One I do in responsible amounts less than once a year. The other I’m abusing like a rented mule.
Depends on the perspective, I think people going off the deep end are rather unhappy that their drug of choice is cheap, readily available yet unhealthy, comes with all kinds of nasty side effects and is quite dangerous once you’ve reached a certain point.
I can say that while my drinking was risky at times, it seems I never enjoyed it as much as some others, reached I liked it but when I quit / faded it out I didn’t really miss it. It seems other people have a much harder time not drinking. So I consider myself lucky there.
Not hating on booze or anyone enjoying it. Just offering some perspective on your statement.
Random question but are you ADHD?
Yes, this is a me and a few of my friends in our twenties.
Turns out getting on Adderall makes you want to do coke a whole lot less and makes your mornings actually feel fine.
Also turns out that actually treating people’s issues will prevent them from self-medicating with more harmful substances.
Happy for you, mate!
– fellow ADHD-haver
Haha not random, my psych doesn’t think so, no. I just don’t find stimulants fun
I’ve never liked coke or meth. I know not to
tryabuse strong opiates.I’ll take anything offered if I’m drunk, tho.
Yeah it’s fun for a bit but the self loathing afterwards is intense. I kind of don’t understand how you can get addicted to it but I guess people do.
Exactly the reason I’ve never tried coke. I know I would fuckin love it and it would ruin my entire life
Exactly. I’m perfectly capable of taking or leaving cocaine. If I feel like doing a line if a friend pulls some out, I can do that, and never think about or crave it, years can go by between uses. Marijuana does fuck all enjoyable for me, Opiates though, i had a shoulder injury and the doctor gave me 20 5mg OxyContin’s. I took one, once, and realized i absolutely need to never ever do any opiates ever in my life, best feeling I’ve ever had, seriously dangerous and I had a glimmer of how people get hooked on heroin.
I’m so glad it rained yesterday, gave me a reason to stay home and take all this healthy cocaine.
20 years on, it still rings true: The Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory
UT2004 was one hell of a game
The last great mainstream arena shooter. Your opinion on whether it was the best ever may vary (I assume quite some people prefer Q3A due to the speed and other factors) but it must be one of my favorite games of all time. Playing deathmatch or onslaught on LAN parties, or even some silly mods. Later custom maps were just amazing. Such a good time. They really nailed it back then.
Boycott Epic until they put a team on UT4 full time.
I’m curious how this was specifically related to UT2004. One of my favorites growing up.
An artifact of its time - 2004. Console FPS as a genre was drowning in WWII themed shooters then, but online play wasn’t big outside PC until the Xbox 360 launched service in 2005. If you were playing online FPS then, it probably was on PC, and either Unreal Tournament, Quake, or Counter Strike.
That one single game for which I want to go back in time and go again on a server with like what 48 or 64 people and play gold rush or siwa oasis. Still best multiplayer game in history for me. So sad that last time I checked a couple years ago it was pretty much dead.
Same. Somehow no game since then has gotten it right.
Or CnC Renegade. Greatest teamwork shooter there was. Nothing better then convincing your team to do a flamer rush.
Played it daily for ~13 years stright
The further removed you are from the other person in a conversation/altercation the more your brain dehumanises them. It’s why people are rude to call centre workers, get road rage, and behave like dickheads online.
I’m the second person because I have spring allergies. I rejoice every single day that it rains.
but it’s so much worse the next day when the plants jizz extra hard after drinking all dat rain
Where I live, there’s so much more pollen in the air before it rains than there is after.
I know something that will clear those sinuses up!
There are people who say both. Just because your aquaintances don’t shitpost in RL, doesn’t mean no one does.
Remember that those you are most likely to encounter on social media are those most active on social media.
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deleted by creator
GPT generated comment vibe
The internet is real. The idea that the internet doesn’t exist is an absolutely ludicrous conspiracy on par with thinking birds aren’t real.
No one that is actually against fascists says fascist like that. Unless they use Twitter/x…
Excuse me… I just got a call from Charles.
Agreed. It should read “if you disagree you ARE a fascist.”
Get fucked prohibitionists.
There will come a time when humanity wins the war on drugs, and everyone has the bodily autonomy to put what drugs they want in their own body.
And when that day happens… will you see drug users persecuting people for not being high?
Will you see prisons built for those who dare stay sober?
Will people be given felonies for being straight edge?
Will drug users militarize the police and erode our constitutional rights in a vain quest to enforce thier way of life on others?
Who would want to do that to someone? Prohibitionists.
And we are NOT them.
Some drugs are especially dangerous, and some drugs can make people dangerous. Who’s going to regulate that? As you’d say, prohibitionists.
regulate deez nuts
Can’t wait for consoles with the injectables pack-in