Ohhh, Fisker the Car company not Fiskar the scissor company.
Fiskars the blade company also makes Gerber products. The knives, not the Baby food.
Babies can eat knives if they’re brave enough
You can eat anything, once.
“It’s not a war crime the first time.”
Turns out knives you can eat a surprising number of before it kills you
Account of a Man Who Lived Ten Years, after Having Swallowed a Number of Clasp-Knives
Have you met babies? They’ll eat anything, period. Except their food. That’s half the challenge in parenting.
Yes, then they become toddlers and anything besides pizza or chicken nuggets is you trying to poison them
Anything’s a baby if you’re brave enough?
Knives, the cutting implement? Not The Knife, the Swedish electronic band?
and Gerber the knife brand used to be an absolute seal of quality but now the majority of their items are cheap chinese-manufactured garbage. Only the top dollar knives are still any good. It’s quite sad really.
Everything has worsened, Leatherman isn’t the company it used to be either.
It’s Fiskars
I bet they’d make a sharp looking car
Really cutting edge.
Stop with the puns… We get the point
I get that we’re chopping it up here, but can we cut back on the puns?
Scissor me timbers!
I love the real slice of life feeling you get reading through this stuff.
In the irradiated wasteland after the climate wars there will be a blacksmith somewhere stamping Fiskars on the crude sheers he uses to shave his two headed sheep.
Then he will be zapped for trademark infringement with an orbital laser operated by the space oligarchs.
TIL it’s spelled Fiskar
I was pretty worried about that TBH. I don’t buy them frequently but that’s because they’re usually good tools that last.
They also make wonderful axes and mauls I use to abuse trees and let all my anger out. A by product of this behavior is I also get to heat my home in the cold months.
Their lawn weed puller is legit also.
Phew! Close one.
And all it took was scapegoating a reviewer kid. (Don’t look at the stock prices before that, please)
Fisker found out Brownless got the car from an outside source
That typo is hilarious
I don’t get it
Marques Brownlee is actually, rather brown.
“The company is Fisker’s second automotive startup. His previous startup, Fisker Automotive, filed for bankruptcy protection in 2013. Fisker launched his second automotive company in 2016.”
Actual picture of investors of the second company: 🤡
And I didn’t really think his review was all that scathing.
Marques is actually very balanced even in his critical reviews.
Even with the Humane AI pin, he did commend them on their physical build quality, even if the rest of the device was practically useless, he never outright said that, just points out the flaws.
Although I do wonder sometimes how much he tries to hard to be balanced, as some products, especially cars due to the price, don’t deserve kind treatment for noticeable faults.
The video’s title “worst car ever reviewed” was not as balanced though :D
I guess. But as long as it’s actually true and he actually believes that, I see no real issue with it.
It wasn’t. Fisker’s shitty response is what made it an even bigger deal.
I agree, but to be fair the title was a little clickbaity and was seen by a whole lot of people who didn’t watch the video and just scrolled past it.
It wasn’t really. It certainly didn’t make me want to go spend $70k for one, but I wouldn’t have entirely dismissed the brand as a whole for one of their first forays into both auto engineering and EV production. If I got one for free, I’d drive it. By the time I need a new car, it would have been worth looking into again.
Yeah… if the car wasn’t shit, the review would have been more positive. It’s not the reviewer’s fault the car sucks lol
In this case yes but as an example Linus Tech Tips has put companies in trouble by botching their reviews: using the wrong GPU with a prototype cooler (despite being provided the GPU…) and not removing the protective film on a gaming mouse.
30 year olds are kids now? This is big
Well tbf a lot of people have been following him since he actually was a kid. He started the channel when he was in high school.
Ask the Fisker technician who called the guy who rented out the EV to Browlee.
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Likely well deserved — but still unfortunate. The EV space only benefits from more options and more competition.
Competition is great, a company that can’t produce a quality product and ships a CAR with beta level software that can’t update OTA is NOT competition.
The auto industry is highly unfavorable to startups, the competition you want will come from the old ICE OEMs.
My wife was thinking between the Rivian s3 and the Fisker as our next vehicle.
This makes me sad to hear.
but the choice is easier now
Yeah, just get a Cupra Leon FR PHEV
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Demand is down because these vehicles are pushing $100k and interest rates on car loans are 7-8%. They did recently announce some new, cheaper models in the near future so it may turn around for them.
You’re right. One interesting option right now is the mustang Mach E, dealers are dropping prices and Ford is giving 0% for 72mo. I just bought a California route 1 for 46k at 0%, and I wasn’t planning on electrifying at current prices until that came up.
Fisker said it hired a Chief Restructuring Officer in the hopes of staving off bankruptcy.
Ah yes. No better way to reduce costs than hiring another C*O.
Only reason i clicked this post
and then abruptly cut its price so it could quickly get rid of existing inventory.
Why would anybody buy a new car that has no future of warranty or parts availability?
You can buy like 2-3 for the price of one. If you didn’t need to worry about software issues it would be a good purchase.
If you’re looking for a good chassis and powertrain with no need for anything g else it might make sense.
If it’s cheap enough, someone will buy. I’m interested to know how it’ll work in this case though.
They’ll get bought out by somebody. How that looks as far as warranties and such…who knows.
Someone will wait for them to go bankrupt first. Poach any staff they need, and leave the rest to unemployment.
Well, they’ll certainly get bought for pennies for sure. My guess is that someone will offer BEFORE the bankruptcy, because nobody wants the extra admin overhead and cost of dealing with a subsidiary in bankruptcy. That’s why the company is putting out PR in the first place. Kind of like a “Make an offer now before it gets worse” kind of thing to any interested parties.
If you let them go bankrupt first then you can buy cheaper, and don’t need to let go of a bunch of surplus employees. I think it’ll be about the bottom line. I guess it all depends on the price and any likely competition for the purchase.
You can buy for the same price regardless. The difference is having a newly acquired company in the courts.
If they’ve gone bankrupt and sold their office space and laid off their staff then it’s definitely not going to cost the same.
some rich hobbyist engineer/mechanic might buy one for parts. So they can use the parts to convert a ICE car into an EV
I read that as Fiskars first, and thought noo not the scissor company! But all is good, just another EV startup gone flop.
Thanks MKBHD for not sucking corporate dick and actually showing issues with products and helping people make informed decisions on their purchases, right?
of course, i posted this as a joke (like “thanks Obama”), i really doubt his review had anything to do with the company going bankrupt, but seeing the downvotes i’ll really think twice before commenting
Down votes are fake on here. Never think more than once before commenting.
Never think more than once before commenting.
That’s still too many thinks!
yeah, but it’s dialogue, when what you’re saying is met with disagreement you stop talking, though in many cases it’s misunderstanding, people not getting the joke or what I want to convey (not native English speaker here BTW), generally i find people here more ideology-driven and rarely getting the jokes, than on reddit, it was more loose back there (mandatory fuck spez obvs)
Yes, people seem a little less likely to get a joke in the Lemmy communities I participate on than elsewhere I frequent online.
dont let the disagree votes stop you. their weight is meaningless
and if you get downvoted for a good joke, let it roll
but seeing the downvotes i’ll really think twice before commenting
there is no point to farming karma on lemmy
What did he do?
Reviewed their car. People saw what they are buying before the purchase.
The automaker released the Fisker Ocean SUV in June 2023. During the company’s earnings call last week, it warned that Fisker might not have enough funds to survive 2024.
Seems like the company is going down even without the bad review.
This will be the second time Fisker is going to declare bankruptcy.
Surprise surprise. The CEO of a company I used to work for migrated to Fisker a good 10 years ago. By migrated I mean he injected a shit CEO who then ran down the company into bankruptcy and sold the pieces. This seems appropriate somehow. I mean the guy was alright, it’s just that the other junk CEO fucked up the company. Sort of like Google do no evil meets “hey you’re running out of the 15gb so I’m deleting your shit next month” CEO.
Friend, I’ve read this three times and still have no idea wtf you’re trying to say.
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Good company before fiskar screwed over by bad CEO. CEO then goes to fiskar at different role but fiskar also bankrupts. Do you not see a pattern? LOL… I see patterns.
Friend, I’ve read this three times and still have no idea wtf you’re trying to say.
This is like reading my uneducated Republican mother’s ramblings on Facebook. Completely incoherent and gave me a brain aneurysm.
I know right? But for everything else there’s the block option.
Sounds like the same page as injected C-levels pushing Precision-Scheduled-Railroading at railroads with a massive boost to share value via slashed labor pools. 2 years later when labor can’t support operations and the company gets rekt, the new C-levels eject with a shiny parachute and dumped stocks.
We can’t have nice things.