Edit: tried to crosspost on Eternity. I don’t think it worked. Added in image and link to post
So AI == 0, then?
It’s supposed to be E^2 = (mc^2 )^2 + AI^2 , which implies that AI = pc, because AI is the momentum that will carry us into the future. These rookies clearly just took the square root using freshman’s dream.
> True
This consistent overexplaining of every single sentence reeks of GPT
Or someone who’s so deep into GPT that they mimic its style subconsciously.
When people think you’re using chat GPT because of the words you use and the overexplaining, but you really just have ADHD and spent your entire childhood reading rather than socializing
not the guy in the OP though he’s just capitalist scum and has a fake job
Auti-ADD here. The text in the post reeks like chatgpt…
On a side note, chatgpt is an amazing tool for people like us who are bad at communicating. The trick is to write sm doen in you own words. Let ai write a grammatical improved version. Combine both into version 2.0 and make some final refinements like “this sentence needs more emphasis on…”
Always take full responsibility for what you use. Its a tool not a standin.
To me it just looks like typical persuasive writing. Like you could find people writing like this everywhere way before ChatGPT, it’s a go-to “formal” style for people attempting to coerce others into investing in vacuum cleaner stocks or something. It’s exactly what I would expect from a “Technology Management Consultant” which is another one of those jobs built around bullshitting and convincing idiot higherups that you know what you’re talking about.
I wrote pretty much this same way on middle school essays lol. You needed to sound more knowledgeable on the subject than you are. People eat it up, that’s probably why it’s ChatGPT’s default writing style in the first place.
Eh, I mean it’s a very specific flavor of overexplaining and needlessly summarizing, I don’t think real ramblings (for lack of a better word) would exhibit this particular writing style purely by chance, even with repeated points.
Haha my poor Taosif, you know nothing. You have a PhD in physics from the MIT, and all that for what? Not even able to think outside the box. My man Sreekanth is thinking outside the box containing the box. Not bad. But he failed to add the missing term in his equation.
E + BTC = mc² + AI
Sine we know that E=mc², we can substitute and then subtract E, getting
so either AI is the blockchain, or this equals-sign is to be read as “just as bullshit as”.No, the value of AI equals the value of the Blockchain
Might both be zero
That was absolutely written by AI.
Phrases like “it symbolizes the increasing role” are something I generally see ChatGPT say. People don’t typically talk like that, even pretentious lunatics on LinkedIn.
For me it was the fact that the first sentence literally just spells out what the line above says. It feels like every other sentence coming from ChatGPT is just a summary of the previous sentence. (Unless it’s trying to relativize, then it hits you with the “it’s important to remember”.)
This will keep happening as long as humans keep ranking wordy AIs higher than succinct ones. Unfortunately we have this gut instinct to judge long responses as more true than short ones, so we keep making the problem worse.
Unfortunately I have to use this cesspool a lot for work.
In any case, something I’ve noticed is the ‘contribute your thoughts to this topic (for ai)’ are always responded to by people who are clearly using chatgpt.
It’s just bots talking to bots all way down.
“Consultant”, of course. Anyone with an ounce of a real career wouldn’t want their manager seeing them post BS like this. This reads like a desperate attempt at saying something profound, hoping to attract (easily fooled) clients.
A good consultant is like a nigerian prince. He filters the people who ask too many questions from the start. That way he will get clients that will not resist his consulting.
This is most likely a parody
The equation makes sense, because AI equals zero
People will probably forget who Einstein even was when everyone starts using this new equation by Kumbhna all the time.
When you want to do foundational research but need money from private investors.
Kumbha (कुंभ) means pot/jug in many Indian languages.