cross-posted from:

…to keep running as is.

creator of Apollo, a popular Reddit client for iOS, relays his talks with Reddit about upcoming ridiculous API pricing.

      411 months ago

      I signed out of Reddit on the 12th and that was it for me. Unless people actually leave a boycott was/is an empty stunt and Spez knows a lot of people will stay regardless.

      I used 3rd party apps exclusively for an ad free nicely curated experience. Without that, it’s a turkey of a site and gets worse each year.

  • @dngray@lemmy.oneM
    1 year ago

    I have to admit, I don’t really think I would use Reddit if went away, the “new reddit website” is slow, and ugly, and fits very little content on the page. It seems it’s largely optimized for posts which contain shallow content like “cat pictures” memes and other rubbish not meaningful discussions. I appreciate RedReddit, due to the fact I can fit many posts on my screen. Reddit also requires quite a bit of moderation as there is a lot very low quality content posted there. It’s quite a tiring process.