With these words Biden addressed the bitter irony that haunted the commemoration ceremonies. While D-Day occurred eight decades ago, America is now just five months from an election that could bring to power a man and a movement who embody and celebrate the twisted authoritarian values of the enemies we sought to defeat so long ago.
Fascism has not gone away. The tactics of the Nazis to employ racism and demagoguery to divide society and enable their seizure of power and their gutting of democratic institutions currently are the playbook of Donald Trump and the MAGA movement.
This is exactly my largest concern with Trump’s plans for foreign policy:
Some of those were the members of the GOP MAGA alliance that for months blocked aid to Russia and who have made—much like those who opposed U.S. involvement in the Second World War—“America First” their rallying cry. To them, Biden said, “Isolation was not the answer 80 years ago and is not the answer today.”
Russia has been committing genocide in Ukraine by abducting over 700,000 Ukrainian children, placed in foster care to be raised as Russians. Trump told Viktor Orbán, the autocratic PM of Hungary, that he would not give a penny to Ukraine if he takes office again.
Pulling support from Taiwan and the Philippines, in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea, would result in immediate control of their imports by China and Russia.
Trump supports Israel in total eradication of Palestinians and suggests they stop recording and reporting the atrocities.
He previously repealed a law on Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory that Biden has since reinstated. Netanyahu was so grateful that he named a settlement after Trump in Golan Heights.
Trump plans to give Putin, Xi, and Netanyahu the freedom to take what they want under the guise of isolationism.
More of the college crowd needs to see this and really think about their “protest vote” in November. It can and will get much much worse if we don’t vote for Biden.
Do I want a better Democratic candidate? Of course. I also realize that Joe is leagues better than Trump, despite any deficiencies
Let it burn and maybe democrats will finally see they are contributing to the rightward fascism we are experiencing.
A 3rd party vote is not a protest vote, a protest vote is one cast against something, the way Democrats do.
I’ve gotta give you kudos:
I see you all over these comment sections like it’s your full time job and you consistently have the absolute worst takes. Brain rot GOAT
Your method isn’t working, that’s like repeatedly banging your head on the wall wondering why the fuck you have a headache.
Youre method got us trump in 2016, so kindly fuck off
Hillary, and Hillary alone gave us Trump
I guess I don’t understand. If you don’t vote, then the Democrats will move further right to grab more of the Republican votes…
Good, let the 2 of the duke it out to see who wins. Theres only room for 1 right wing party in the US.
Even if I did vote their actions reflect that they dont care what voters think, or that we have any influence on policy
People who say “burn it down” always assume theirs won’t be one of the millions of lives this plan ends.
I know things will be rough in the beginning. But something’s gotta give, this whole red fascist vs blue fascist thing isn’t working out for the working class. We are having the exact same conversations about wages housing, healthcare, education, etc for decades. These were the same issues MLK was fighting for 60 years ago. And we’ve gotten nowhere because white liberals, who he said was the largest stumbling block towards freedom, are too afraid to upset the apple cart. They are afraid of losing THEIR privilege to gain the rights of others
If you think there are fascists on both sides, then you don’t know what fascism is. The left definitely has problems, but being fascist isn’t one of them.
Remember during Covid when supply lines were interrupted, people started hoarding resources, and the store shelves were bare? That was just a comparatively minor disruption compared to what would happen if we “burn it down”. Think seeing children starving in Gaza is horrifying? It would happen here in much larger numbers. Our millions of guns would be turned on us by our neighbors. It would be The Purge in real life. The Rawandan Genocide would be tame by comparison.
All hyperbole
Would you bet your life on that?
Kind of hard for him to be taken seriously talking about ending fascism while actively supporting Israel which was founded by open fascists.
“The cost of the defeat of tyranny, is paid by the blood of the young and brave.”
True then, true now.
While supporting Nazi style Genocide of the Palestinians.
Irony levels are peaking
Everything it’s just going according to the plan…
Sounds like projection. Accuse others, rightfully so, of the crimes yourself are committing.
genocide-supporting Biden is the face of modern fascism. What’s more fascist than sending weapons to Israel?
Killing your political opponents, removing all rights from women and minorities, creating re-education camps, sending the U.S. military into Gaza to commit additional war crimes…
Like if you can’t comprehend how Trump could be worse, you’re simply not a real person. They’ve published their wishlist, you can read their plans for America if Trump wins, they’re not pretty.
Based solely on your first paragraph its hard to decide which fascist you are defending.
Biden said he wants to kill his political opponents?
HIs preference is locking them up or forcing them into exile indefinably
Source: your ass. As usual.
Like who? Got a source for those statements?
*crickets chirping*
Trump wants the complete eradication of all Palestinians. He’d probably deport any with Palestinian background to get slaughtered
Trump. Is. Way. Worse
Trump is not the one sending weapons to Israel right now.
Trump would send a whole lot more plus make it so elections are fixed
If Biden loses, Trump wins
Get this through your head
There is no choice but Biden if you want a chance at changing things, as the alternative is a Fascist government that will, as its first show, eradicate Palestinians
Biden’s doing a very good job of eradicating Palestinians already. He does not need the help from the orange guy.
He can’t nail the threat of sleepiness during meetings with world leaders, and you think he made some kind of profound political statement by calling conservatives and Trump nazis for the 10000000th time since he took office? The standards for the demonrats keep getting lower and lower.
Congratulations, you’re defending a convicted felon and a rapist.
Who couldn’t stay awake during his own trial lol
I never said I liked that fucker, and I won’t defend him either.
Removed by mod
Cool story.
Removed for the ableist slur.
Six day old account and your only comments so far are trolling… nothing of value to see here, folks.