Remember when presidential scandals were about the guy wearing a tan suit instead of a dark colored one? Pepperidge farm remembers.
That wasn’t about the suit, in case you were unclear on that.
I think this would be hilarious.
Really on par with their conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping.
It’s the kind of kayfabe he excels at.
I think house arrest and/or parole makes the most sense here. Politically and in reality. Somehow, he’s a first offender. Make him pay to check into a dirty office in NYC once a week, pee in a cup, promise he hasn’t spoken to any other known felons since his last parole check in…
Denies him the martyrdom of a few months in jail, as well as the inane drama he would inevitably force out of it.
As much as I would love to see him in jail, as much as he deserves it… Drug tests and maybe an ankle bracelet would be more realistic.
Yeah, I’m 100% for regular drug checks on him.
I’m curious how effective that would be when he still has a secret service detail.
This whole situation is all kinds of vaudeville.
Secret service’s #1 job is the security of their protectee. While it usually comes up regarding children, the SS will turn a blind eye to any of their misdeeds. This is because the very last thing they want is for the protectee to ditch their protection.
As an example, the SS was present (albeit at a slight distance) when the Bush girls were arrested for underage drinking.
If Trump is using drugs, he does so with the SS’ awareness. Although that might create a logistical problem with dealers…
I heard Gerald Ford’s son talk about being on Spring Break and a fellow breaker came up to him and whispered,“Man, I don’t know what you did, but you have some Feds watching everything you do!!”
Why on earth would a prison allow a prisoner to broadcast a speech?
Put him in an orange jump suit already and let him bust rocks with a sledge hammer.
Because prisons are for poor people. If it happens, he’ll end up in a “prison resort” that has all the amenities he wants on the technicality that he can’t leave.
My favorite neolib is the one that is usually for prison reform but wants rampant prison abuse for people they don’t like.
My favorite neolib is the one that is for prison reform but wants rampant prison abuse for people they don’t like.
can you imagine the shoe being on the other foot? if the dems wanted to run someone with a felony conviction, how that would play out in their propaganda pipeline???
Why are we still asking those questions about “what if the other side”?
Yes, we can imagine.
You don’t reason with the GOP.
I wonder what he will look like without someone to plaster on his makeup, glue his hair in place, wipe his ass and dress him?
Republican are the Party of Law and Order!