That escalated quickly.
It is about rape, so yeah. The telling of trauma is intentional.
Oh ok, I see it now. It seemed abstract at first glance.
Totally. It is a bit abstract, or perhaps Dada or Surrealism inspired. It could be said that trauma is baked into those movements.
Sometimes to properly show the horrors of the real you have to leave the real behind
Yeah, history and art don’t repeat themselves, contemporaries rhyme with the past.
It’s considered surrealist by which ever groups of Art History PhDs who decide these things
Makes sense.
I read it as about menstruation
Interesting. The sexual assault reading comes from the artist.
My first look was similar. But after reading the comments and looking again, it became more obvious to be about rape.
That’s what I said, in the comments.
I’m agreeing with you.
Sorry, I misinterpreted your comment. Cheers.
Oh interesting. I definitely see that now. I thought it was “passion according to gh”
I hate that I could tell what it was about without looking at the comments :/
I hate that anyone would need it to be made explicit. How does anyone with a prefrontal lobe miss that?
Edit, quoting myself downthread,
Perhaps what I’ve failed to articulate is that I’m irked that this very overt, brave, and thoughtful piece of art can be so clear and powerful a message, and yet my fellow humans are conditioned by (or perhaps utterly failed by) society to be so insensate that it does not immediately produce the intended understanding. I’m not frustrated with anyone in particular, I’m frustrated with the cruelly absurd world we live in.
Because not everyone has had the experiences and education we have. Perhaps we should take the opportunity to educate rather than to shame.
They said, while blatantly highroading
Fine though, your point stands. I’m not here to bicker, it just seems like the subtlety here is not exactly asking much sensitivity from its audience
I’m not here to bicker
You came out fucking swinging. There’s no need to act like you weren’t looking for some kind of confrontation.
Chalk it up to cultural differences. I’ve explained myself elsewhere in this thread to the best of my ability, if unlikeability ever deserves to be explained.
unlikability is certainly the right word.
You are worried I might have overlooked it. Kind of you, but please do not trouble yourself.
I’m not here to bicker
Yes you are.
Okay. I’m confused about why you’re here though. If you’re right, then you’re choosing to talk to an unpleasant person for the sake of arguing, and my thesaurus is accusing you of bickering. If you’re wrong, you’re the “unpleasant person on the internet”. If there is a third option that I have carelessly overlooked, perhaps you will find some delight in putting me to work as the Simplicio in your essay on the arts?
I thought harder about this than you did, and that’s why I lost. Thanks, !
I hope you live up to your name someday
It wouldn’t be unreasonable if someone intepreted this as an panic attack, or some other mental condition.
Contrary to your stance, I WISH there would be 0 people on this earth who could at a glance know what this image depicts.
Entirely valid on both accounts, we have nothing to disagree about
One of the things about humanity that is remarkable is that we, by and large, are unable to imagine totally new things. Any “new” thing is a combination of things we’ve seen previously put into new arrangements. For folks who never experienced SA or know of it, they are blissfully unaware of what is happening. I thought it was a funny exaggeration of an encounter with a spider. Not everyone is keenly aware of the darkness mankind makes and explicit call outs are important. Many of us are trying to be sensitive but without explicit citation to ensure equal understanding, you would have been mad at me for a painting that we never saw the same subject matter.
Nobody here seems like they’re in the mood for more of my takes on art, which doesn’t pain me, but I’ll try to be clearer about where I’ve been coming from since you made some interesting points.
Part of what motivated me here is that I see art as fundamentally “the study of choice”. I like the piece in question because it seems to be choosing to demonstrate the absurd cruelty of the situation (because cruelty is absurd, don’t you find?), and making absolutely no bones about it. It’s a six panel horror show that is poignant because of how little sense SA makes, and it is trenchant in its overall effect without resorting to humor, which would be cowardly (speaking from experience - I do that too often).
Perhaps what I’ve failed to articulate is that I’m irked that this very overt, brave, and thoughtful piece of art can be so clear and powerful a message, and yet my fellow humans are conditioned by (or perhaps utterly failed by) society to be so insensate that it does not immediately produce the intended understanding. I’m not frustrated with anyone in particular, I’m frustrated with the cruelly absurd world we live in.
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Do I not even merit the sarcasm of an adult in your eyes, after backflipping from blithering rage into humbly urbane art critique? I thought it worth at least a snarky golf clap.
Seems like a good depiction of what it’s like to be forced to carry your rapist’s baby
Jesus christ what’s going on here?
Depiction of rape
nsfw label would had been appreciated…
This book is psychedelic.
I wish someone would fuck me like that… 😮💨
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I mean, the comic is so vague you can interpret that as not being about rape.
In which case they are joking about sex. Which is cool.
Things that are common among rape survivors as coping mechanisms:
-Dark humor about rape
-Fantasizing about sex that looks like rape as a way to reestablish a feeling of controlThese are not universal experiences - everyone processes differently - but they are common. Feeling shame about them is also common, or being told that they invalidate victimhood.
I believe you’re trying to help, so I’m not mad at you. But you aren’t helping.
Hmm… How would those survivors feel reading others joking about rape though? Without knowing what place it comes from?
I don’t think we would want to normalize “joking about rape” on the Internet as “okay”.
Eh on one hand yeah it’s probably insensitive to joke about rape but at the same time calling insensitive jokes is just going to bring more attention to it and now everyone is focused on fighting over a insensitive joke instead of focusing on helping those in need I suppose it’s kinda like a scab the more you pick the more the wound bleeds
How would those survivors feel when they’re shamed by you?
Embarrassed at making insensitive jokes in public where other survivors could be very offended by it?
Being a survivor does not mean you get to do whatever you want. And I would expect them to understand that their way of coping may not be everyone’s way of coping, especially if it’s through dark humor. And they would be sensitive to the fact that others could be very upset by it. Time, place and context matter.
But seriously - I’m being voted down on Lemmy because I’m saying “hey maybe we shouldn’t make rape jokes ‘a thing’”???
And where is the context stating this art is explicitly about rape? I just see a spooky black creature stretching out a lady’s body like some Cronenberg body horror.
Doubt that’s what they’re doing. Also come be CNC kink.
I didn’t really interpret the art as rape. I could see that, but I originally saw it as some surreal horror story.
Bad jokes about rape are not cool, but if it’s a funny joke…
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Did u copy this from stranger things cuz