Misusing the word coup so it can lose its meaning. Typical republican bs.
Came here to say this
Also classic move for Hamas apologists w/r/t “genocide”.
I love when you guys speak. Makes it so easy to know who to block.
Please dont block, if you can stand it. We need sane people here to downvote the trolls instead.
Of course they want people to consider it a coup. They want that word to mean nothing
They’re just mad because they thought when Biden stepped aside the Dems would devolve into infighting and chaos. You know, like Republicans would.
Goodness, could you imagine the sheet storm if Trump backed out?
Or if that assassination attempt had been successful?
“I do not think that word means what you think it means”
Oh they know. Theyre watering down the word to uselessness so it doesnt matter that four years ago they all hated Trump for the coup attempt and now theyre fucking helping him plan the next one.
TIL applying for a job after your friend turned it down is a coup.
It makes total sense when you look at what they don’t consider a coup.
everything republicans do and say could be a terrible south park fanfic episode
Honestly if you watch Mr. Garrsion as Trump episodes they’re rather innocent and cute in retrospective. I think it’s become apparent that mocking Trump is dangerous because he often turns out so much worse than you ever imagined.
I’d preface this by saying I voted for Hillary in 2016 - but Trump is so much fucking worse than I ever thought he could be.
damn I cant believe Harris is already president, without an election or anything
Every accusation is a confession.
Are they mad that she can do something Trump failed at?
Coup (noun): a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics and especially the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group
-Merriam-Webster’s dictionary.
deleted by creator
Conservatives would be furious if they could read.
No no no, she is a just a peaceful tourist who wandered outside of the secured area on accident. We swear.
It’s not a coup if Biden stepped down, duh.
It’s about the same as me accusing Trump of being a murderer for eating a cheese burger. It’s a nonsequiter.
these dumbshit chuds wouldn’t know a coup if one jizzed in their ass.