Trogdor vibes
They definitely remembered the consummate Vs, but didn’t get the the S and more different S right. Also, that’s a stubby claw more than a beefy arm.
They wouldn’t know majesty if it came up and bit them in the face.
If you die in the tattoo parlour u die in real life.
Please tell me that’s markers and not a tatt
From the smudges everywhere further up, I assume marker.
I would like to assume the same but I thought it was hair…
It’s definitely hair
Pretty sure it’s some pencil, probably his kids word.
I can’t tell if that’s sharpie or a tattoo, but tbh, I think this is in the land of “so bad it’s good”.
That werefox looks like its roasting its own nose with a torch lighter.
That’s something you can do when you’ve got wicked abs like that
Please tell me this is their back after passing out at a party where a sharpie was present, and that this is not tattoo work.
DontDeadOpenInside and NoSafetySmokingFirst have me so fucked up on aneurysm posts. I stared at this way too long before realizing there’s no separation.
… that dog face / angry beaver is dope
transcript (manual):
[guy with bad tattoos on back, one of them:]