• nxn@biglemmowski.win
    4 months ago

    Trump getting the popular vote is a problem that needs to be understood. The majority of America voted for a moron that looks as if he smears feces on his face after getting out of bed - among worse flaws.

    But what I find most painful is that this asshole wasn’t locked up for J6. Him even being considered as a candidate is blatantly against the constitution. The fact democrats went along with this long enough to actually have the orange shitler win is insane. He is simply and plainly not eligible to be President of the United States.

    Edit: Ironically, this is the same clown that spent years nagging Obama for his birth certificate.

    • astronaut_sloth@mander.xyz
      4 months ago

      This is what’s getting me. If he won via electoral college or couping, I’d be angry and ready to do the work to pull the country out of this mess and end Trumpism once and for all. But instead, he won the popular vote. People in the United States saw a wannabe-autocrat who was specifically called a fascist by his own officers who admitted to being a dictator “on day one” among so many other things. After seeing that, a majority of people either affirmatively supported the fascist candidate by voting for him, or they are tolerant enough of it to sit at home and not vote or vote for a third party knowing the outcome. And that really just makes me lose faith in my country and the people, and so I’m just sad knowing that this country actively chose this outcome.

      What’s worse is that I really don’t feel a strong desire to try to change anything since it’ll just fall on deaf ears at best. More to the point, I don’t even want to hear “their side” or “their reasons” for why they voted the way they did because no matter the rationale they give, it will come down to them being comfortable with oppression of minorities and autocracy. I always want to believe the best of people, but after today, I really can’t anymore.

      • nxn@biglemmowski.win
        4 months ago

        In my view you’re arriving at conclusions of how to act and think a result of being biased by the popular vote. The popular vote has no influence over the existing laws that are being broken nor the existing rights that are being violated. Furthermore, ask yourself, when has the other party ever given a single fuck about the popular vote? So, why do you?

        Edit: Made some edits to clarify. Essentially, I’m making the argument that laws shouldn’t be broken and rights shouldn’t be ignored just because a majority is OK with doing so.

    • shapis@lemmy.ml
      4 months ago

      It’s not a hard problem to understand.

      The Democratic Party is a right wing party already as it is. Center-right at best. And they are trying to court the fascist vote.

      They brought the Cheneys on stage for fucks sake.

      Problem is that Trump does fascism better than they ever could. So they are not getting those votes. But they are alienating the left vote and those people won’t show up.

      In addition to that the demonization of men by the online left is pushing the newer generations right.

      A random man is not more dangerous than a random bear.

      Pushing shit like this in the face of impressionable young people does harm and makes sure they know you do not have their back. So why should they have yours ?

    • BigBenis@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Pissed doesn’t really describe my emotions today. Trump won decisively, including the popular vote and the Senate. Unlike 2016, the people who voted against him are inarguably the minority coalition now, despite it consisting of tens of millions of people.

      I feel defeated; disillusioned and despondent.

      • Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world
        4 months ago


        Humanity as a whole is disgusting. We need to hurry up and go extinct… not that we aren’t already speedrunning that shit.

  • MagicShel@lemmy.zip
    4 months ago

    Some Americans.

    I can’t fathom how so many people can look at Trump and see President material. And I know no single motivation covers all of them.

    But like, even if you looked at Kamala and thought, “Meh.” Fuck, even if you looked at her and thought, “Ugh.” How can you look at Trump and think he is in any way better.

    He is going to steal from us. Probably billions of dollars for his stupid fucking family. He is going to be the most corrupt motherfucker we’ve ever seen lead America, and I don’t say that lightly. And the money that isn’t stolen will go into stupid fucking projects like building walls and proping up Musks failing companies. Oh, did I say money that wasn’t stolen, I meant money that was stolen differently.

    People are going to die. We have to face the possibility of an actual abortion ban that no one fucking wants. Women will die. Everyone will die if they ban vaccines. Let’s have polio back again so we can create good American jobs building more iron lungs for people to live inside for 75 years. The economy will be in shambles because “tariff everything” just fucking means “raise the price on everything.”

    To say absolutely fucking nothing of Project 2025 and the welcoming of fascism to America. And I feel pretty certain that Trump will just sign an executive order granting Russian agents top security clearance.

    And you say, name me one fucking thing that will be better in America if he’s President and what do they have? Fucking migrant farm workers won’t be picking crops.

    We have all failed each other. Because how we can live in a fucking country where people like that are just out and about instead of in an insane asylum or riding the short bus once a week to spend their disability on a fucking happy meal, is just completely unfathomable to me.

    • AdamEatsAss@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      People living in rural areas don’t see issues with homelessness, healthcare, transit, trans-rights, gay-rights, ect. They are in a bubble shut off from most of that. All they see is the taxes the government takes.

      • MagicShel@lemmy.zip
        4 months ago

        Man, I’m gonna be straight with you I don’t see the homeless issue because I live in snowy flyover country and if there’s a state not to be fucking homeless… well it’s probably Alaska, but we’ve gotta be in the top 10, anyway. Transit? We don’t have any. No one fucking cares. Buy a god damned car. Healthcare? I’m ignorant of healthcare issues other than in my experience it fucking sucks more the higher the population density is.

        Human rights. LTBTQ rights. Women’s rights. Yeah I get that. I’m with you. It’s not my personal issue as such, but I have women in my life. Gay people. Trans people. Because I don’t live in a fucking cave and people are people everywhere.

        But I didn’t say all that to sound like an asshole. I really didn’t. I’m a little punchy. I didn’t sleep last night. I’m saying, I’m so extremely privileged that I can identify with people who say none of those issues are my fucking problem and I still don’t want that fucker anywhere near the god damned Whitehouse.

        • Entropywins@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          I’m just really privileged as an Oregonian and hope to someday be extremely privileged and move to Alaska!

  • 2ugly2live@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    It was really hard seeing the all the Trump signs, but I truly believed we wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.

    I’d be impressed if it wasn’t so devastating. I don’t even know how to look at my fellow countrymen without wanting to ask them , “Did you do this?” I feel so… Dejected.

    • PhobosAnomaly@feddit.uk
      4 months ago

      I’m not sure where you’re going with that comment but I’m going to interpret it in the least-charitable way possible and assume you’re talking about suicide, and that ain’t the path to take, friend. Reach out - that omnishambles of a cockwomble isn’t worth it.

      If you’re talking about moving or leaving the country, then good luck with that too 👍

      • Kyrgizion@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I’ve been struggling with my mental health for a long time and I need some type of “win” or “hope”, but I currently have none sadly.

        I had a coworker I was somewhat close to and could vent to. She just got fired (budget cuts).

        I mustered the courage to finally set up therapy again after many years, after a few very negative experiences with “caregivers”. First meeting was pretty awesome, second was cancelled by them due to illness. It happens, no judgment there. But they would call back before last weekend for a new appointment, and never did. I just got shadowdumped again, didn’t I? What the hell is so offputting about me that even people who get paid to help me won’t give me the light of day?

        As for a future, that just got robbed from us. 20 years plus if you’re 40, more if you’re younger. We will never get those years back.

        On top of that a myriad of mental and physical aillents, medical debt and no sight for any realistic kind of relief in the near future and… yeah, it’s really hard to keep finding reasons to keep going when life is really firing those melon-sized lemons at ya with the speed of a vulcan cannon.

        • PhobosAnomaly@feddit.uk
          4 months ago

          Man I’m sorry to hear that. I’m not going to pretend to know how you feel or give you hollow “I understand” or “it’s going to be okay” promises because I can’t back them up, and yeah the next few months are going to be proper shit.

          All I can tell you is that having known you for half a dozen paragraphs on a phone screen, I already care about you more than that bumbling punchable arse piece that is going to make life difficult for a couple of years, and I think it’d be super cool if you stayed around a while.

          I can’t promise you wonders, but I do hope you find your way.

        • MagicShel@lemmy.zip
          4 months ago

          Man, I know a lot of us are in a really dark place right now. I really hope that’s all this is. I feel it bro. The crushing fucking anxiety of 4 years of Trump wondering every god damn day if he can possible dream up a way to be even more vile and every. god. damned. day. the answer is yes.

          Like, it hasn’t even started yet and I already know he’s going to horrify me anew a minimum of once a week before he gets into office.

          But … that’s not all there is, man. It sounds like you’re in a rough personal situation. And I’m sorry. I know Trump is just the sprinkles on that shit sandwich. But there are good things in this world, and there are good things you can do as part of it. If you’re in it. Stay with us.

          You matter.

          • gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            I’m about to check out too

            Please don’t.

            There are valid reasons to want to leave.

            I don’t disagree, but the reasons to stay are more compelling. You never know when you’ll get to be the right person in the right place at the right time who to help someone else avoid some suffering they don’t deserve, but you’ve gotta be here to do that.

            If nothing else, procrastinate on it for a bit. You can always change your mind later.

            e; typo

    • djsoren19@yiffit.net
      4 months ago

      Hey, if you’re feeling this hopeless, remember that your death is what they want. Don’t give them the satisfaction. Things are bleak now, but if we can survive, if we can hold on, there will be a time to fight back.

  • BigBenis@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    It was feeling a lot like 2016 to me over the last several months. I physically face-palmed when she went on SNL. I held onto hope that after experiencing a Trump term things would be different but I should have known. After all, when in my lifetime has this country not let me down when it matters most?

    If there’s any hope for the future, the Democratic party needs to evolve. We can’t wait for another global crisis to get us out of this mess again.

    • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)@badatbeing.social
      4 months ago

      If there’s any hope for the future, the Democratic party needs to evolve.

      I would challenge this thought that we need to wait for the DNC to change before we can stand up to fascism. Everyone left of Trump’s fascist right GOP is essentially lumped together in the same bucket, and there is only one Dem Presidential nominee to represent that enormous amount of people with vastly different feelings and takes on things.

      The ability for everyone in a group that large to feel 100% like they are getting everything they want in a candidate is really really small. The one thing that should be something everyone this side of fascism should be able to agree upon is democracy is something we should be looking to preserve no matter what. And we should look to elect candidates down ballot to help move the needle left (or maintain the “norm” or whatever your jam is) and help drive the change we would like to see long term. Waiting for the DNC to just up and change how you want isn’t going to happen without a push from below by the people electing representatives set on making that change.

      And seeing a candidate that doesn’t 100% represent all your issues, or your one BIG issue, and sitting out the election (with that effect trickling down ballot) or doing a protest vote just hurts everyone. And now it means we are going to be pulled hard to the right and is going to take an enormous amount of work (years) just to get back to where we were, let alone where we want to be.