Don’t use chrome, ez
Or even better don’t use windows, ez
Don’t use a computer, go outside.
touch /grass
Get on your own lawn:
touch ~/grass
I dont have a lawn, I’m a poor millennial!
touch ~/avocado
?Not a fan :)
Whoa, hold on. I have allergies.
That’s what happens when you download Chrome from chr0mebrowser․ru
Na, my experience is that Defender is fine with users downloading browsers and “updates” from random Russian sites. It’s happy to let the users install that software and only bothers to log a “hey, maybe this was bad” alert some time later. Edge, on the other hand, loses it’s shit when you visit the official download sites for Chrome or FireFox.
Well, that’s the enshittification of Google search results. At some point you google for Chrome Download and get exactly that result.
As a Linux user and Windows hater, all I can say: That meme is exceptionally stupid. You realize we aren’t in WinXP days?
Its not my meme. The original meme is here. l just edited the bottom text