Just more traditional media letting these people goose step all over them and not answer questions.
Our journalists fucking suck at their god damned jobs.
Journalists are becoming rare, the ones you see, like news anchors, are just communicators.
News presenters, news readers, etc. these people haven’t done real journalism in decades
Lmao, imagine just now figuring out that morals aren’t important to Republicans.
Most of these chucklefucks probably don’t have the experience necessary for these jobs. Putting morals aside they’re still unqualified.
If they have morals they’ll reject the job.
So the short answer is no?
The long answer is Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Power is more useful than morals for getting what you want.
Morals? LOL Christians are the immoral majority.
“Oh Tapper, you think you get Those Of Faith™ with your gotcha questions… Let me show you how a Man Of Faith™©® does it. Here, take your pick of a representative.”
“Ummm ok, Saint Peter I choose you!”
“Ok and now for my response: This person is an abomination to God, a heathen, and a person without the slightest moral guidance! They are not fit to hold office!! Ok, now I choose my representative. Beezelbub I choose you!”
“Err… a literal demon?”
“Sure sure, now my rebuttal to your criticism: You see little Tapper, sometimes God chooses imperfect vessels to act through. We cannot question God’s plan and it is not for us to judge. Do you see how that works little Tapper? It’s called I Always Win™.”
If you ever need to ask yourself this, you ain’t no friend of mine…