Wow am I on facebook?
Yes, now out with your deeply ingrained racist ideologies or I’m gonna sic gran on you.
I know this is a joke but if anyone is wondering it’s because they build those things to go towards the air, otherwise they would be going away from the air and it would be hard to breath. Earth is going away from the air too but luckily it has trees attached to itself that make more air and leave it behind, that’s where wind comes from.
Who are you, who are you so wise in the ways of science?
A duck!
Therefore… by the process of elimination, we can tell the Earth is banana shaped.
This guy knows his stuff
Calvin’s Dad over here.
i’m taking a meteorology class and can confirm that this is how wind works.
Im sure going against the force of gravity vs gravity pull to the earth has a lot to do with it too.
1675 + 10km/h
1675 + 100km/h
Turns out that 1675km/h is the magic number, anything above that is dangerous
I’m a leading scientist on speed, and this is the answer.
They let scientists do drugs?
Who do you think invents the drugs?
Can confirm. Heisenberg invented meth, saw a documentary about it.
Yeah, but they make them race so you can tell who’s high
Well maybe we should just turn the roller coasters around and go the other direction.
So 1675 - 100 = 1575 km/h?
I remember learning that before the invention of the locomotive, people thought that 30mph was some kind of barrier that the human body could not survive.
What the speed that earth travel around the sun? And the speed that our solar system rotate in milk way, and milk way speed around the universe? We need the exactly number
I want a button that upon pressing immediately makes me stop moving relative to the universe moving around me. Just suddenly all the momentum to none of it.
Congratulations. You are either a pink smear or pink mist, depending on which direction you end up going.
Acceleration vs. Velocity
Not quite. When you’re rotating, you are constantly accelerating in a tangent direction to the diameter. So the poster is right that we should be feeling a force shooting us away from the center of earth.
Except the force of gravity cancels out the centripetal force and then some.
So [force of gravity] - [centripetal force of Earth’s rotation] = 9.8m/s^2
The difference is about 0.5%. A mass weighing 100kg at the north pole would only weigh 99.5kg at the equator. Most of the difference is the centerfugal force of the earth’s rotation.
I’ve not checked the numbers, but apparently it’s detectable in Olympic sports. More height records get broken at equatorial latitudes that higher ones.
Interesting, would the muscles of someone living far away from the equator be stronger in general than compared to someone with the same genes / lifestyle on the equator?
0.5% is so tiny that it disappears into the noise. It’s a 1 in 200 difference. In theory, it would make a difference. In practice, you won’t be able to measure it. Other confounding factors would bury it.
A mass weighing 100kg at the north pole would only weigh 99.5kg at the equator
That assumes a perfectly spherical earth. The earth is not perfectly spherical.
The fact that your units are units of acceleration proves the guys point, no?
It sounded like the guy meant the 1700km/h is a velocity, not an acceleration, which is why we don’t feel the force of acceleration.
I was pointing out that spinning is acceleration, just in this case we can’t feel it due to other forces.
Only on the equator, the force is just tiny, it produces major weather systems through the coriolis effect but only on giant scales. This would be like saying people get dizzy if they stand near the pole.
What are those pre-math numbers though? How screwed would we be if rotation doubled or stopped (regardless of the virtual impossibility)?
Have you seen the elementary school experiment where you spin an egg on a flat surface, then you stop the egg and let it go and the then the egg starts spinning again?
If the earth suddenly stopped spinning, the atmosphere would still be spinning at 1700km/h.
A cat 5 hurricane has wind speeds of 253km/h. So we’d be boned.
Look up xkcd world stop spinning
The actual amount of centrifugal force is also tiny. Sure, it’s a relatively fast linear speed compared to something like a merry-go-round, but a merry-go-round’s angular velocity is much higher, and that’s the one you use when calculating the force trying to fling you off.
Also, centripetal force is the inward force observed by an external non-rotating reference frame which deflects motion into a curve. You’ve conflated it with centrifugal force, which is the outward “fictitious” force experienced in a rotating reference frame.
I’m appalled at the amount of people in this comments section who failed elementary grade school level of physics and also somehow failed to notice this is the shitpost community
It’s not…
Maybe it was supposed to be, but it’s just a regular meme sub
Those men are just very good friends.
If you want to just pick the fastest velocity we can measure and we’re currently moving at thanks to dark energy the Milky Way galaxy is moving away from other distant galaxies faster than the speed of light.
I think I feel it
I thought so too but it ended up just being an encumbrance of vapors
Man, it’d be so funny if the entire atmosphere just straight up locked in place. Heck, forget rotation, have it keep it’s X/Y/Z in the universe static and just straight up disappear as our solar system moves on.
Xkcd kinda did a video on it except the earth is the one that stopped. It’s pretty much exactly the same result though
It’s exactly the same result! Because it’s the same scenario from different perspectives.
Relative to what?
The center of the universe, I suppose. How fast is the Milky Way moving away from the center? I imagine quite fast.
There is no center, and there’s no fixed grid. It’s still funny to think of the atmosphere stopping from the sun’s reference frame, though.
Well at the very least, we’re supposedly moving 2.1million km per hour along with the Milky Way, and 720,000 km per hour within the Milky Way (so it could be more or less if that’s with Milkys movement or not), plus our own movement around our sun, so … basically really fast.
My point is, having anything just freeze like a glitch would probably cause something terrible. Granted even relative to the sun is probably catastrophic so it’s kind of a moot point, haha.
There is no “center of the universe” as far as we’re aware I’m pretty confident. We (each individual) is the center of their known/knowable universe, but that’s distinct from the actual universe. There’s stuff beyond that that we can and will never observe.
I guess you could define the center of the universe as the average point of all matter, but since we can’t observe much of the universe we can’t know where that is.
That’s cause earth isn’t actually rotating at all. The entire universe rotates around earth.
Maybe my math is wrong but: The Earth’s radius is about 6,371 kilometers. With this large radius and a 24-hour rotation period, the centripetal acceleration at the equator is only about 0.034 m/s². This is tiny compared to Earth’s gravitational acceleration of 9.8 m/s². So the centripetal effect is only about 0.3% of gravity’s effect.
40,075,000m circumference / 86,400s = 463m/s?
Yes, that is the speed you’re going, then the acceleration you experience due to the change in direction as the earths surface revolves about an axis is a = v²/r. R being the radius of the earth. This gets us our small acceleration value.
You do experience this small acceleration as a very small reduction in weight. You actually weigh more at the poles than the equator. You don’t feel the velocity at all, as the whole planet is moving with you.
Wait, so if I drive fast enough I get a nice picnic meal?!?!
Maybe, if there are nice picnic meals in Heaven.
Ik this is a joke but if anyone is wondering it’s because units of linear motion (km/h, mph, etc.) do not accurately describe rotation. Rotational units like rpm are much better as linear units give a misleadingly large (though technically correct) number.
If anyone is wondering it’s actually because of frame of reference. The first two images have speeds in relation to the rotation of earth, the last imagine uses a different frame of reference. If you put the last image in the same frame of reference as the first two images the number there would be 0km/h, because it would be moving in relation to itself.
It’s actually because the thing that makes you make those faces is the acceleration, not the speed.
All three reference frames shown are accelerated, non inertial frames. But the first two have “fictitious” centrifugal accelerations somewhere around 0.5-2.5 g. The third frame has a detectable centrifugal acceleration, but it’s like 0.003 g or something, and can be lumped in with gravity for many types of problems.
It’s actually because of wind resistance, the air is moving the same speed as the ground when the earth turns so you don’t feel it.
(don’t @ me I’m just following what I recognized to be a humorous pattern of technically correct "well actually"s)
velocity V acceleration.
Space doesn’t have air dummy
But earth is in space and I am ALMOST certain earth has air around it!