What is more dangerous, a Luigui or a Veteran Luigui?
I can’t remember any recent veteran public murder/suicides that involved taking out baddies. For some reason my brain went right to the DC snipers, but again, no baddies
Another possibility is that the relatives of the affected veterans become Luigui
It depends on whether veteran Luigui is old or something is.
He loves the troops!
Or he could tax billionaires a little. This is a choice between veterans and billionaires. The billionaires will still be billionaires either way.
It is worse than not making billionaires pay more. He is firing all these people as a pretext to giving billionaires more tax breaks because the government is more ‘efficient’.
First Trump would criticize second Trump for treating veterans so poorly.
The VA is already understaffed, how is making them more understaffed going to make them more efficient?
There will be more predictable and consistent outcomes than any other presidency!
Eggs are gonna be $1/dozen!!
75d chess here, people!
do I need the /s?
This will go over well. Take that veterans, what did you ever do for your country anyway!
Least one would expect from a draft dodger.