Nikola spinning in his grave so hard, EVs can charge up there.
I feel bad for the engineers that work there. But I feel great that it’s literally destroying musk net worth.
They should’ve started looking for new roles right after his inauguration speech
Next up: Elon sueing car drivers for not buying his swasticar just like he tried on twitter with advertisers.
Suing people for not buying tesla stock and suing those who sell it.
He will just buy them himself, look at the sales numbers in Canada… 8,600 cars in 3 days! In Canada…
I think the canadian Feds are looking into that, and I hope they fine the ever loving crap out of him.
That particular situation looks like it may be due to how the process worked and government comments that the money would be running out earlier than planned.
Apparently dealers weren’t required to submit at the time of sale, but on a monthly or quarterly basis instead, which is a very common timeline for businesses to handle things like that. But after the announcement of the program ending early, Tesla submitted everything they had pending immediately, which makes complete sense.
I have not done a lot of research on this particular topic, and the little I have done may not have been accurate sources, but that situation would line up without needing to grasp at any crazy theories.
More dramatic to say $320 billion in market cap has been destroyed.
Or that it’s down 34% since the start of the year. At this rate the company will be bankrupt by the 3rd quarter.
Down 10% today so far. They’re working on it. :)
They dropped 72% in late 2021 albeit over 15 months. What I’m saying is, they can beat that record, and quicker this time… I believe in them!!
A fair price for the stock is 0.
This has more to do with investors than boycotts…
Tesla stock price hasn’t been based on company performance, like, ever.
I’d go as far to say even the reduced sales in Europe aren’t due to anything Tesla is doing, it’s because y’all are allowed to buy BYD, which is better quality than Tesla at less than half the price.
Not to mention this just brings the stock price back to where it was more or less 6 months ago. And it was already considered highly overvalued back then, so it has plenty more room to drop to more reasonable levels. Not that the market cares much about reasonable.
You are right about other manufactors. But many analysts and news sources see a clear effect from boycott, brand rot and Musk-dislike, too. Here are few examples:
German version
Das Nettovermögen von Elon Musk ist in diesem Jahr aufgrund des Einbruchs der Tesla-Aktie um 102 Milliarden Dollar (94 Milliarden Euro) gesunken.
Die Tesla-Aktie wurde durch Verkaufsrückgänge, politische Abneigung gegen Musk und Ablenkungsbedenken in Mitleidenschaft gezogen.
Elon Musk’s net worth has dropped by $102 billion (94 billion euros) this year due to the collapse of Tesla’s stock.
The Tesla stock has been affected by sales declines, political dislike of Musk, and distraction concerns.
German version
Die Tesla-Aktie hat in den letzten zweieinhalb Monaten viel an Wert verloren. Chef Elon Musk muss nun mit 128 Milliarden Dollar weniger auskommen.
Grund für die Nervosität an den Börsen in den letzten Wochen ist die Angst vor einem globalen Handelskrieg, nachdem US-Präsident Trump wiederholt mit Strafzöllen gegen China, Mexiko und Kanada gedroht hat – und diese zeitweise auch umgesetzt hat.
Tesla kämpft zudem mit schlechten Verkaufszahlen in Europa. Die Verkaufszahlen in Europa lagen laut den am Montag veröffentlichten Zahlen im Januar um 45 Prozent unter denen des Vorjahresmonats. Demnach wurden im vergangenen Monat nur etwa 10’000 Tesla-Fahrzeuge auf dem Kontinent verkauft.
The Tesla stock has lost a lot of value in the last two and a half months. CEO Elon Musk now has to make do with $128 billion less.
The reason for the nervousness in the stock markets in recent weeks is the fear of a global trade war after US President Trump repeatedly threatened and temporarily implemented punitive tariffs against China, Mexico, and Canada.
Tesla is also struggling with poor sales figures in Europe. According to the figures released on Monday, sales in Europe in January were 45 percent lower than in the same month last year. According to the report, only about 10,000 Tesla vehicles were sold on the continent last month.
Here also two recent news about how drastic the crash of Tesla sale and share is:
German version
Die Absatzflaute von Tesla hat sich im Februar 2025 fortgesetzt. Nach Angaben des Kraftfahrt-Bundesamtes (KBA) sank die Zahl der Neuzulassungen des US-Elektroautoherstellers in Deutschland im Jahresvergleich um 76,3 Prozent.
Insgesamt legte der Verkauf von Elektroautos hingegen um 30,8 Prozent zu. Schon im Januar 2025 gingen die Zulassungszahlen von Tesla um 60 Prozent zurück.
Tesla’s sales slump continued in February 2025. According to the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA), the number of new registrations of the US electric car manufacturer in Germany fell by 76.3 percent year-on-year.
Overall, however, electric car sales increased by 30.8 percent. As early as January 2025, Tesla’s registration figures fell by 60 percent.
German version
In Europa und Nordamerika hat Tesla Probleme. Nun sind auch im wichtigsten Absatzmarkt China die Verkaufszahlen des E-Auto-Herstellers eingebrochen. Das US-Unternehmen verkaufte dort im Februar 30.688 Fahrzeuge – 49 Prozent weniger als im Februar 2024, wie der chinesische Branchenverband CPCA mitteilt.
Der Kursabsturz der Tesla-Aktie setzt sich fort. Der Kurswert sackte bis Dienstagabend um rund fünf Prozent ab. Seit Mitte Dezember hat Tesla mehr als ein Drittel seiner Marktkapitalisierung verloren.
Tesla is facing problems in Europe and North America. Now, sales figures for the e-car manufacturer have also plummeted in the most important market, China. The US company sold 30,688 vehicles there in February – 49 percent less than in February 2024, as the Chinese industry association CPCA reports.
The crash of Tesla’s stock continues. The share price dropped by around five percent by Tuesday evening. Since mid-December, Tesla has lost more than a third of its market capitalization.
Keep up the boycott and protests, it is working. Make Musk poor!
By all means keep up the boycott, no one should be buying Tesla…
But we need to be realistic what caused the stock price to drop and what’s effective. Tesla stock bisnt based on how much Tesla makes. It’s based on what people will pay to buy it.
If the company starts losing money by over manufacturing for their demand, their stock will go down because people don’t like buying stocks in dying companies.
It’s a battle of inches. We have to take every step in order to impact it, not just ignore it and wait for it to go away
their stock will go down because people don’t like buying stocks in dying companies.
Stock price is whatever people are willing to buy it for
Rational investors base that on stuff like you’re talking about.
A lot of Tesla investors don’t value the price of Tesla stock on company performance, they just like Musk and when price drops they buy more.
Shorting Tesla stock sounds almost like a foolproof way to make money these days…
Sure, but entire fortunes were lost shorting Tesla in the past as well. It has been wildly overvalued for ages and it still is ridiculously overvalued, but I personally wouldn’t bet on it.
It seems it’ll sink on to 252 the moment the markets open, if I understand Yahoo finance correctly.
I don’t really understand what the pre-market value is, but it seems to mean the value keeps on fluctuating even after the markets close and no stocks formally trade hands. And it looks like Tesla is going to have yet another rough day.
I don’t feel bad for any of the idiots losing their money on this. They all had plenty of time to get out - if they sold after the CEO made a nazi salute they would pretty much get out on top. Whoever is a shareholder deserves anything coming for them. (Sadly that includes myself, indirectly through the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund. Bummer. Oh well, I had it coming.)
Edit: Half an hour after the markets open the stock has dropped to ~241. Lol.
Thanks for reposting my post!😄
Oh wow