Brothers Donald and Stephen Glover have signed on to write Lucasfilm’s “Lando” series for Disney+, Variety has confirmed.
Me, every time I hear about a new Star Wars show
If it’s a quality show, I’m down for it. It’s only an issue if it’s low quality. We could have stopped a while back and never got Andor, but I’m damn glad we got it.
Hopefully Lando will be good as well.
Never enough of lando. This is the one I was most excited for since they announced it. Andor is my favorite but lando is what I really want to see.
Then don’t watch it. Easy as that.
I’m not watching any of it until Bob Iger takes a pay cut and pays his writers.
Id pirate it. I’m not paying them for anything. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted for what I said.
I won’t pay any of them bc they are all nickel and diming us with all their services.
Seriously wondering when people will get light saber fatigue.
Marvel seems to get phased out by now, so I’m guessing Star Wars is like five years behind?
Star Wars can also learn from Marvel’s mistakes. It can all be avoided. Besides, in my opinion, Star Wars shows have been higher quality than Marvel’s.
Assuming Disney stays out of their way this has potential. We might finally get a second Star Wars show that’s actually good after Andor.
If it gets popular at all then Kathleen Kennedy will want more control and ruin it. That’s basically the cycle for anything Star Wars.
Wasn’t she fired?
I’ve seen rumors, but nothing confirming. Her contract will be over next year if it doesn’t get extended again. I honestly think getting rid of her could do to Lucasfilm what firing Steve Ballmer did for Microsoft. Get rid of the legacy that is trying to force what they want the consumer to buy and instead bring in new talent that will make what the market actually wants.
I’m down for it. I loved Donald Glover as Lando and wanted more.
Sad. Would rather like to see the Glovers’ talent turn to something more original.
Atlanta is one of the slowest releasing shows I’ve ever seen, and it’s so simple. 4 seasons in 7 years, god damn.
Idk what Glover spends all his time doing, he left community early because he was so busy but has pretty much only released Atlanta, Solo and one album since 2010.
I always thought that a guy living in a perpetually flying city being called Lando was kind of funny.
Plus, Lando sounds like a pilot Elf from Disenchantment.
Speak no more of Leave-o, Speak-o!
Troy and Abed write a Star Wars film in the morning… niiiights
NGL i’m kind of bored of retreading the same period of the Star Wars universe - I’d really like to see something new.
Yep, The Mandalorian showed they have a whole universe of characters they could use but they just keep recycling the same central cast/time period. Those stories were nice and even great at times but we can move on to something new
Brother Stephen 🙏