We should have a gun drive to send out excess weapons and ammo over to Ukraine. Lord knows we have enough guns in this country to spare a few…
I doubt its legal to do so, ITAR regulations come to mind first.
We could donate them through the Miami police apparently.
This gun was involved in a murder, but we’re not going to bother investigating it anyway so you guys may as well have it.
Donate… in a way
“I just found this gun, officer.” wink wink
“Okay, lemme check the colour chart how I should respond… Oh crap, for you, buddy.”
“Hey, that’s mine!”
“Clip that hip, officer.” wink wink
“Unzips pants.”
That would be a perfect way for the Ukrainians to end up with out of spec guns with random wish dot con components that have had improper gunsmithing done to them.
bUh mUh GuNs
Random florida man sitting on his couch sipping a bud light seeing this on fox news and recently got is gun confiscated:
“I’m dooing my part”
He’s probably sipping a Busch or another brand that he doesn’t realize is owned by the same company, because “gO wOkE gO bRoKe”
Also, while shooting bud light in his backyard with a rifle, opposing “cancel culture”
Republicans support Russia though, for completely unclear reasons that make no sense. Well, republican pundits and also roger waters…
So do nazi parties across Europe. Some sort of enemy of my enemy thinking plus love for the kind of leader Putin is.
Yeah, I think part of it is their reflexive contrarianism, where “Demorcat Party LIKE Ukraine, so we will oppose it! They hate Russia, so we love it!” And yeah, basically Putin has the same politics as they do: fascism. It’s astounding to listen to things he says (as in, the particular style of manipulative lying) and realize it sounds exactly like the BS that Republicans say.
Does Ukraine really want a bunch of guns of different makes and models that accept different types of ammunition? That seems like it’d be more of a hinderance than a help, logistically.
Ukraine has logistics for both NATO and Soviet ammunition. As long as the guns use either of of those it should be fine.
I think Gun Jesus has a video about this. They have alsorts of small arms but they tend to group the same ones together so a platoon sized element have the same equipment
Ukraine has been using a patchwork of different weapons and calibers since the wars beginning. If we want to say all infantry weapons being sent are of the same caliber they have two old Soviet weapons and now NATO standard hardware. Grunts can carry a 7.62x39mm AK, a 5.56x45mm M4, or a 5.45x39mm AK. Ukrainian soldiers have been spotted carrying even older caliber weapons like the Mosin’s 7.62x54mmR, 7.62x51mm NATO in FAL rifles, and I wouldn’t be surprised if older equipment is in use. If this drags out long I’m guessing we will see the gradual standardization around 5.56 with NATO equipment as stores of Russian surplus runs out if it hasn’t already and Ukraine is relying on captured ammunition for it’s AK platform weapons.
On another note I am surprised the US hasn’t supplied 5.56 chambered AK’s, habits die hard in soldiers and I’m sure many would like to have an AK made reliably in the caliber being supplied.
And the majority of weapons will use a small variety of ammo. Handguns will vary more widely, but then, handgun ammo will be much less in demand. The US army doesn’t even issue handguns to infantry (with few exeptions).
I thought that NATO chambered AKs are relatively rare. Why would US have them anyway? They already got all that M4s.
Izhmash actually exported sporter AKs in .223 for the civilian market for a good number of years. It was a fairly less common model but they are around. Zastava (serbian) made 223 AKs as well. There are US made rifles as well. I would not want to carry any of those odd ducks into battle though when everything around me is 5.45 and 7.62x39, or an AR in its proper caliber. In particular I don’t think the mags are interchangeable with AK74 mags and you wouldn’t want to risk using the wrong ammo anyway.
Pretty sure there’s a lot of 5.56 from NATO in the recent days. On the other hand, that Soviet stockpile won’t last forever, especially this keeps dragging on…
You’re right about the export AK, tho. Interesting that a lot of them is NATO chambered but with standard AK magazines.
Oh for sure there’s a ton of 5.56 in Ukraine, but the mags used by .223/5.56 aks are not standard ak mags which makes them unsuitable among probably other reasons to carry into battle.
Oh for sure there’s a ton of 5.56 in Ukraine, but the mags used by .223/5.56 aks are not standard ak mags which makes them unsuitable among probably other reasons to carry into battle.
They are… Not common, I just figured if we’re manufacturing the American RPG’s for soldiers we might do something similar with American AKs, though I guess learning a new rifle is easier than learning a new rocket system.
No one in the US makes a good AK. Leave the NATO AKs to Poland and Bulgaria.
I say this as an American who owns two American-made AKs.
While this was a nice gesture, would 101 random weapons bought off equally random Florida Men all at least share the same ammo? A gun’s just an awkward club without proper ammo.
The ones in the picture are likely a mix of 5.56 and 7.62 firearms. Both Ukraine would have in abundance
Heaps of 7.62 here. Not so many 5.56 or 9mm, you have to import it, AK74 uses incompatible Soviet 5.45 caliber.
Assault rifles are welcome, anything is better than standard-issue AK74, which combines excess weight with poor accuracy and awkward handling. Even smaller guns are fine, SMGs are pretty much the same 200 meter effective range as AK while being shorter. As long as you can find ammo for them.
Please send some grenade launchers and RPGs, they are immediately useful.
You can use the more random arms for non front line use. Even if you need to find an ammo you don’t normally stock, a normal police office only carries a few mags on hand anyways.
I’m surprised the Miami police don’t have a bunch of confiscated RPGs it would seem like they would.
Gotta go to Chicago or Memphis for that
please send some grande launchers and RPGs
Texan border malitias start sweating nervously
Please send some grenade launchers and RPGs, they are immediately useful.
I wish I had some spares but I have to hold on to everything I’ve got, sorry.
(For the non-americans and ATF agents out there, the joke is that we can’t fucking get those. Don’t come kill my dog, my dog is a cat anyway.)
Real issue is actually going to be a (lack of) full auto. Sincerely doubt anything in these pics is an MG. Even if Ukraine fabricates automatic components (drop-in-auto-sears do exist for ARs), the barrels aren’t going to hold up to automatic fire well.
They might be useful in a police/border guard/militia capacity, though?
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Are the Ukrainian grunts really using full auto that much? Does trench warfare make it useful in a way that urban and mobile warfare doesn’t use? My understanding is that basically no one outside of designated machinegunners really use full auto.
Anyway, like you said, at the very least it’ll free up other weapons for the front lines.
I’ve seen them use auto bursts plenty of times in combat footage. They need suppressing fire for dismounting their troop carriers and usually empty mags into trenches.
It might could work in a pinch, especially if they used the ARs as squad marksman rifles? I just doubt its the kind of compromise Ukraine wants to make for its front-line equipment.
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101st Airborne has been issued new M4A1’s since 2012, and the Army has been converting M4s to M4A1s since 2014.
If the photo’s anything to go by, it’s probably mainly pistols. I don’t think they’re all 9mm
The rifles are mostly 5.56 or 7.62. The handguns are mostly 9mm.
Depends, looks like the rifles here are AK and AR style, so they probably take 7.62mm (which I imagine is pretty common in Eastern Europe) and 5.56/.223 (which the US military is probably supplying them by the bucket), respectively. That said, the hand guns are probably a mix of .22, 9mm, and .45 among other random less common calibers
The 7.62x51 NATO round used in AR-10/LR-308 pattern rifles isn’t the same as the common 7.62x39 used in AK-47 pattern rifles. But I’m sure getting NATO ammo isn’t exactly hard for them right now.
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AR-15’s are like the Honda Civic of guns, cheap and endlessly modifiable. That’s why.
The non v-tec versions, since you gotta engine swap to get that.
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It sure is nice how some of the least intelligent and most mentally unstable people have the most firearms. Brilliant system we have here
Wait, Florida confiscates guns?
The handing out of guns makes sense, but taking away? Unheard of!
These guns apparently came from a buyback program. https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/city-of-miami-to-send-guns-to-ukraine-city/2809291/
Glad they’re going to good use, but man do buybacks sting when you see cool shit being turned over to pigs.
I mean, they get old military hardware plus also millions of dollars in taxpayer funds to buy whatever they want.
They take away from arrestees. Not just guns, but a butt load of personal property actually. It’s an income stream for most PDs.
Usually from people of color.
Crazy that a bunch of privately owned firearms are useful in a warzone.
That’s the point of the 2nd amendment. But technically civilians aren’t allowed to own “military grade” weapons made after 1986.
There’s a good few asterisks on this statement, but yeah basically lol.
There is a very long list of types of weaponry that individuals can’t own.
Crazy that civilians hold military grade weaponry in better condition than actual military equipment.
Is this actually helpful here’s a bunch of random guns of varying quality and caliber do they work don’t know can you get the ammunition don’t I get the pr there your problem now
My dad told me from his mandatory service, that the sowjet made pistols were so bad, that you’d better throw them, than shoot at ranges past 15m. So can’t bebworse than that.
And a big ol’ bag of bullets.
Because who doesn’t want there ammunition stored in a bin liner?
The funny thing here is that Russian mobsters probably sold a few of those guns.
Oh, what’s that? You think there are no Russian mobsters where you live? That’s a hard maybe.
Also, there is no crime in Russia… since Russian mobsters work hand in hand with local and national police in Russia.
Just another reminder of how corrupt that federation is.
But I live in a rural English town where the most exciting thing that happens is the elderly folk fighting over who has control over the flowers near the rectory. Are you saying they are russian agents? For real?
Edit: and now you’ve edited your post, making mine seem like nonsense.
Just be ready to run when people start talking about the “greater good.”
That clergy are mobsters was never in question. The sticking point here is ‘are they Russian’
That would make a good plotline in Midsomer Murders
The funny thing here is that Russian mobsters probably sold a few of those guns.
From what I can see, all in the picture are semi auto guns that can be bought at any Academy or almost any Bass Pro Shops in the US.
Illegal guns get flipped if I’m not mistaken. Like unregistered automatic rifles that gets resold and smuggled across county and state lines. It’s probable that some russian mobsters got a piece of the action is what I’m saying. Mobsters don’t need to stick to their own nation states and will move around to where they can make money.
Like unregistered automatic rifles
But these are all basic semi auto AR-15s, None of them have the third hole
This is just a collection of some of the most popular civilian rifles in the US all of which are completely legal in Florida.
There’s way easier ways to obtain those than interacting with the mob
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Good enough for the later Echelons. There is a ton of logistic and support troops basically never needing to use their guns and they will be happy having a gun with two mags forever.
I’d like to think someone is running around in Ukraine with some drug lord’s gold plated AK47
I hope these guns passed QA testing… as somebody from a country with a lot of poorly-made guns this news scared me
I bet this is an ITAR violation…
Looking over this list, only if they’re full auto or have silencers.
Seems like ITAR applies to companies or individuals. I’d bet that the Miami gov’t went through the State Department and it’s not an issue.
Its way more broad than that:
So, is anyone going to go after the Miami Police for this? I’m guessing probably not.
ATF will, they love screwing over police depts that illegally SBR rifles. Also the State Dept, this is their privy.
Okay, since we’re working from a photo and one unverified sentence, I looked this up:
From July 20th,
Officials on Tuesday said that the city has cleared the plan with the U.S. State Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Miami’s city government has not yet signed an agreement with a licensed exporter but hopes to ship the guns within a few weeks, said Miami Police Chief Manny Morales.
The resolution said that the weapons would be shipped with the help of the nonprofit Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA). Commissioner Russell told Insider: “We are in contact with a licensed gun exporter who has the ability to ship the guns.”
So, looks like they thought of this already.
LMAO, I didn’t take a close look at the photo and thought that was Zillensky posing with the guns. But your comment made me double check since it was all in the uncertain future tense.
I was only able to find articles from about 2 weeks ago. I think I said something suggesting they completed it, but I’m not sure. This entire discussion is based on a photo of some random guy with guns and one sentence… not super reliable.