Is it just me or is this announced weirdly soon?
I agree. It’s almost 2 months away
Way too soon, but they have to open up pre-orders for the pass ASAP, or they won’t be able to pay their bills on time.
It is kinda early, but I’m glad for it. S1 wasn’t holding my interest as much. And maybe I’m delusional but s2 does seem better. But I hope they don’t get rid of varshan as a endgame boss, the game needs more.
BG3 everywhere lately so they may be trying to capitalize on the fantasy hype train and/or split the attention
It would’ve helped if they actually made a decently fun game
Well it could be an attempt to divert attention away from the latest season launched in Path of Exile just last week.
I’m pretty sure D4 will struggle with the PoE2 release…
The news post also details a few QoL updates that will be coming with the season (hooray for gem inventory management!), but it lacks my biggest request - pets. I have no idea why that’s my biggest one, but I miss having a pet running around and picking up my gold.
Better target farming is needed so bad, I’m at level 98 now and I’ve actively spent my whole 90’s looking for an upgrade from Sacred to Anscetral Insatiable Fury. I haven’t seen one drop since level 60, do you know how many of the other two unique chest pieces I’ve picked up? At least 8 that I can remember. It’s not fun.
What exactly is target farming if you don’t mind me asking?
Well right now you just run specific dungeons that have statistically dropped your type of loot more often. Currently to find my chest piece I’m running specific dungeons that do just that, drop chest armor at a higher rate. You can find resources and stuff online easily but if you don’t send me a message and I’ll fish up a link for you.
Interesting, I didn’t realize this was a thing. Figured it was just random.
Thanks for the information!
I think this is what it means,
Wait for real? No fucking wonder I can’t find flamescar
Stopped playing my druid because of tempest roar… Started targeted farming with lvl 53. Stopped yesterday at 80 and switched to barrage hunter having the most fun this season…
geez. i’ve barely cracked S1…
Nah, finishing this season shortly (lvl 97 now) and then BG3. May drop in for a later season if the endgame has improved, but my experience is that anything after say level 80 is mostly a boring grind, just NMD after NMD.
BG3 is probably gonna end up being my GOTY. I don’t even like crpg’s and it’s completely blown me away. I’m probably only about 10% done with it as well.
my experience is that anything after say level
8030 is mostly a boring grindFtfy
So which diablo 3 mechanics will they copy over poorly, this time?
Their biggest selling point for S2: companion…
Honestly, I am done with this game. Played at launch and season 1 . Got both characters to lvl 80. The thought of doing this again feels like work. The main selling points of season 2 are, “we will make the game almost ready for release!” Yay, there will be less broken in a game I payed 70 dollars for 6 months after I bought it. . . woo.
Non season and season I can’t even be arsed to get to 80, let alone to 100, which is kinda required to get the last few season rewards. Guess missing them will make it easier to quit, because they’ll never come back so I can tell my FOMO that I might as well not play then. With this bullshit it is either all or nothing, and if I can’t have all I might as well stop. Did the same with WF, and at least that didn’t cost me anything.
Oh fucking great. Not even done with the first bare bones & half assed season and they already go for the next FOMO cash grab. Buying this was a fucking mistake, but anxiety has to learn the predatory bullshit the hard way I guess.
I’m glad I bought it early because I had a lot of fun and got my money’s worth out of it. But I don’t recommend the game to people because it’s no longer the game I bought.
Get this mobile gaming-esque trash away from me.