Are they sure he didn’t fall out the airplane window?
Had anyone actually seen him since the mutiny? Or is this just Russian way to tie up loose ends…
There was a video of him just yesterday talking about how Wagner is helping to “free” Africa - not sure when it was recorded, right enough.
Rest in pieces.
Oopski !
We all knew his days were numbered after his failed coup attempt.
Yeah, I can’t believe that he was okay with just promises from Putin to not harm him.
“If you come at the king, you bet not miss.”
With Putin you really want to get the job done. Even hiding is a limited option given how Russia killed people that fled into the UK and Germany.
what an impressive country, everyone is jealous of that government efficiency in action in Russia today… that’s really something to see, i assure you…
This is like Epstein, everyone knows what happened.
The guy knew it was coming. We all knew, there’s no way he didn’t know. I wonder what the fallout is going to be.