Digimon always had more interesting monsters and evolutions than Pokemon. I’ve never really understood why Pokemon beat Digimon.
Edit: Nearly forgot that Digimon even had devolving as well.
Because Digimon was a tamagochi clone first and everything else second. There was never a Digimon game formula or a Digimon card game formula or a Digimon anime formula. They just made random media to sell toys without any care for consistency. That lack of consistency made it have less general appeal.
Even today it’s hard to introduce people to Digimon because there really is no right starting point, it’s all different media and how much you like each one depends on your personal tastes.
Pokémon had it all consistent from day one. The tcg, the games, the anime, it’s basically all the same even today. You can introduce someone to Pokémon with any media because it’s all so consistently transversal.
It’s because pokemon had a great game at its base.
I never liked that they went back to weaker forms, as a kid that inherently made me feel like Pokemon were better because they stayed evolved. Also, I did think the evolutions were very random as a kid and didn’t understand why their lines weren’t more congruent like Pokemon.
Honestly there were some good episodes based on pokemon changing as they evolve and whether that’s something they and their trainer actually want. Digimon Tamers played with it a little bit but not for long.
Also yeah, the evolution lines are just so fucked. I remember trying out the card game ages ago and being so confused by how different the evolution lines were from the anime.
The above being said I never turned down an opportunity to watch Digimon as a kid, I still liked it a lot.
Oh for sure. The most recent series, Ghost Game, was pretty good, too (as long as you don’t expect anything from the scant overarching plot).
I read an article that said that the Ghost Game show was intentionally built up as a villain of the week show, with a minimal overarching plot, because the creators were aware of how successful tiktok and short form media was.
That makes sense, though I do wish they’d told whoever wrote the last episode that.
Even though the Pokémon only said their names, the Digimon had the most disgusting voices in the dub, and that’s honestly why I think it lost
I actually love most of the voices in the dubs, though that may be just because I grew up with them.
Plus, how else can you hear “come out and face me like a mon!”
Pokemon had the games
Digimon had (and still does, though they’re way less frequent than Pokemon games) fantastic games. Digimon world 3 (while grindy) was one of my favorites growing up.
Not anymore lmao
Pretty sure there is a new Pokémon every few years.
yeah but when was the last time one of them was actually good
Pokemon Legends Arceus
Yeah you have to play the off season games for actual creativity. It’s a sad reality.
You forgot the digimon line where they just become a human with a fursuit.
I saw that movie and they can’t call it a digimon anymore because of human rights and a copyright laws.
Close, except the lion should be bipedal and have some sort of gimmick.
Like being a luchador or a soccer player or a ninja
Or a dancer.
Or a dancer with a machine gun?
You forgot to give the fridge cat ears and the raptor a bell collar and big jugs.
laughs in Meicrackmon
googles that shit Ahem what the actual fuck? :')
I’ll take the fridge with a minigun thank you very much.
War metal greymon is a bit too much, but that’s only like the 1/4 way point to becoming a god
Excuse me, that is obviously a gatling gun fridge.
10 outta 10
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I love this aspect of Digimon though usually they end up looking like a gundam these days. I think it’s great that digimon evolution lines aren’t set in stone and you can mix and match them to some extent.
That’s the difference between analog and digital evolution
You’re missing the metal skeleton stage
Did the Pokemon just change genders lol
I think the second evolution is an American cougar (puma/mountain lion/panther/catamount/probably more names idk).
trans pokemon trans pokemon
It’s getting there, now pokemon are just ghosts that can be in anything, like a lawn mower or a car and also a phone
Rotom has been around since Gen 4 though
Yeah still weird though haha, now we have the kettle ghoul and the revaroom and the apple pie dragon. I’ll still collect them all though I never had an issue with Magnemite or Voltorb so more mons is more mons
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And that’s why Digimon is much better.
The original title where I found it (reddit) was “digimon is superior”
Digimon will either turn into a robot skeleton with laser rockets, or just a furry