The real Trump Derangement Syndrome is the people defending him no matter what.
The real Trump Derangement Syndrome is the people defending him no matter what.
“Normalizing” that’s already normal for healthy people. Even some unhealthy ones I know.
Read the actual bill a little now. Of course it explicitly excludes HRT and potentially other things.
Okay so reading these is hard because of all the subsections and references to other laws, but it trying to read it, everything is complicated. Not exactly. If the patient has any prescription from anywhere, as long as it falls into the fda specifications etc etc they must allow it to be administered no matter what, but they don’t have to do the administration or dispensing. A doctor from outside and medicine from outside must be allowed in. If I’m reading the bill right, which is hard. Cudos to the news source for linking the bill.
You know what, that’s an interesting (and I’m betting unintended) consequence
Feels like it’s the stance of the episcopal church.
It says that but further in it implies the doctor needs a reason to say no by giving reasons a doctor can say no. Good news though, feeling it violates their morals, ethics, or religion is a reason. Since it’s or, any good doctor with morals is probably going to use that.
Wasn’t it just an attempt? Did they do it again?
I’m surprised I pissed off so many people but no one yelled at me or gave me a “what are you talking about” until now. Bit coin transactions allow you to put in additional information. Like a memo field on the check. Once on there they can never be removed as far as I know, without a branch. I get that what I’m saying it’s only tangentially related, but government transactions will be on the same ledger as every other transaction. Do you know what people have written in that memo field? I’ve never seen an article denying that the images of child abuse found in the bit coin ledger were not there, just that people mining it aren’t guilty because they have no intent to distribute, or that they are hard to access. Sometimes arguing that they are found in there like the number pi, but that’s usually an inaccurate take, verging on disinformation.I’m also not aware of any news it was removed. I’m not sure how you would even do that, and I don’t want to check myself. As far as relevance to this article, the government is trying to enter data into a book right next to photocopies of abuse images instead of doing anything whatsoever to stop people who are constantly redistributing them to mine the block chain. Let me know if I’m wrong and they actually removed them. I’d like to be wrong.
I’d argue a majority of modern Christians are denied by christ, and more "anti-christ"ians. He said something like “You cannot worship material possessions and me” and we are shown what that looks like when he tells a guy who owns a house he rich and not going to heaven unless he sells it. Almost everyone who calls themselves Christian will try to make excuses for that, or rewrite it. “That eye of a needle was a gate”, “homelessness was more common back then”. Excuses and lies. If a Christian is a follower of Jesus, as long as there is a single homeless man who wants a home and you own one, he denied your following, you do not follow him by his word. I’m betting this describes most of the "that’s not real Christianity " people though. Because it’s so hard.
Why is it legal to have the bitcoin block chain on your computer? I get that you didn’t download it for the illicit material on it, and shouldn’t be prosecuted for it, but once you know why are you allowed to keep it? I don’t get arrested for buying a fancy bottle for a bottle collection just because it has coccaine in it, but the conversation then ends there every time I look for it. The police will make me get rid of the coccaine. If it can’t without ruining the bottle, I guess I lose the bottle right?
Do it, you’ll be where you belong. You can take biden with you after his pardon of hunter. Sent the blatant corruption to the blatant corruption party.
Europe is still buying their gas, but yes oil production is down and that effects inflation. I’ve heard it had more to do with oil losing money in 2020. It was the first time in history it happened and they freaked out, and cut production. The US government did almost everything to push production back up, but outside of government doing the drilling themselves, I don’t think anything will work.
I don’t like corporate consolidation, but these guys reasons are ridiculous. I’d argue that the “woke mind virus” is what infected these guys to chirp “woke woke” at every little thing. You think Sony gives a shit?
Dick Van Dyke
Could have gotten epstiened I guess.
It may be salt is missing. I’ve also put it in a sandwich with either spicy mustard or hummus
I don’t doubt it. The shock from 2020 is still being felt in the industry. They aren’t saying this to placate you, it’s just a fact that they are trying to maximize future profitability. They’ll take tax cuts, but they won’t use it to bring the price down. You’ll pay what you’ll pay. They’ll just pocket the difference
But then musk would be violating the lease with free speech systems because Jones is no longer the one who owns free speech systems.
They won’t defend it. They have torn out their ear drums to criticism. They will hear no evil about the man.