• 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 29th, 2024


  • I use computers for a bit of entertainment, but I’ve taken a turn to rediscovering the internet, it took reddit going south for that to happen though. I’m actually reading these nicely written articles on the Geminisphere I think there’s too much on the internet now, its flooded with low quality stuff, I am finding the reason I came to the internet was the long well written dialogs!

  • They took down the fucking don’t be evil sign! Google used to be a good company but I don’t trust their actions. I’ve only found out about the spyware level chrome browser, not to mention that Google has been coloring my searches on the internet.

    But what do I expect from a ADVERTISING company first and for most?

    Don’t authenticate to a search engine.