Microsoft learned the right lesson, everyone has internet! \s
I rate this meme accurate. Also, why are countries more free on the internet than america?
-concerned american
I don’t know why that image comes up either, I posted this via boost for Lemmy. I’m pretty new at posting to social media.
I use computers for a bit of entertainment, but I’ve taken a turn to rediscovering the internet, it took reddit going south for that to happen though. I’m actually reading these nicely written articles on the Geminisphere I think there’s too much on the internet now, its flooded with low quality stuff, I am finding the reason I came to the internet was the long well written dialogs!
I thought it was a cute little robot, with some important general info that AI is mainly just made up of comments like yours or mine. The post on mastodon said I could use it as a profile pic so uh, that’s why its my picture. I’m human.
I’m a little biased right now.
I plan to pay for all my contents in the hope I get more of what I like, but I’m pirating them because with pirated content I don’t have to worry about DRM
This made me chuckle.
I want Linux to succeed, and be the competition to Windows, so I deal with these “downsides” honestly, the limits in my theory, cause me to only purchase good hardware and software.
Is the mainstream even what should be targeted? I’m reading comments on how people are actually getting worse at using computers.
Americans too wrapped up in shiny AI hype
-signed American citizen
This is unfortunate, I like my privacy, I’ve also been hearing about server side ads. On grayjay, I haven’t needed to sign in.
Not gonna lie, I love listening to the smart comments, I’m not THAT smart. And thanks to reddit being shit (comments suck) I refound lemmy
I’m on a different instance, I think that let’s me see all of the Internet’s sides.
They took down the fucking don’t be evil sign! Google used to be a good company but I don’t trust their actions. I’ve only found out about the spyware level chrome browser, not to mention that Google has been coloring my searches on the internet.
But what do I expect from a ADVERTISING company first and for most?
Don’t authenticate to a search engine.
Haha, yes I’m an eggplant, thank you BTW, I enjoy seeing you posting! I think you were a reason I stick around lemmy.
My lifespan is shorter than 30 years so yes.
The show keeps living! Glad to see it still around.
Yeah, its sad that it’ll take something happening to the common person to take Privacy seriously.
If we could tackle the idea that Privacy matters and get more common folk aware of what they are losing, then I would like that very much.
I concur Please help
not communisim plz