Hey yall, I want to get into self-hosting. I want to start from hosting on a raspberry pi, and I am just wondering if yall have any recommendations (I’ve never hosted anything before, but have experience in linux and programming). Sorry if it’s bit of a stupid question.
Pihole is the best starting point in my opinion, helped a lot of my friend to get started !
Goes against the spirit of self-hosting but for some stuff(Email, DNS, Passwords), I just SaaS it out. As much as I love my lab, nothing self-hosted in my prod environment is critical.
Exactly, I can barely maintain a media server I really don’t want to be responsible for my passwords and photos. There are secure alternatives that are private and open enough for my needs…
I haven’t found anything software-wise (self-hosted or SaaS) that I’m satisfied with for photos. Thankfully, those are easy enough to backup and aren’t used day-to-day. What have you tried, and do you like/dislike of each?
At first I tried some self hosted solutions but I didn’t like anything, eventually I landed on ente.io/ which I really like.
It has a lot of ways to import your photos, really nice mobile and pc (windows, Linux, and Mac) apps that can automatically upload your pictures in the background, the devs are really responsive (there was a bug with one of the importers so I opened a ticket and I got a lot of help in order to debug the issue and solve it).
The only thing that I don’t love is that while the clients are all open source, the back end isn’t because they claim they are too small of a team to keep it both open source and secure.
Change DNS on hosts, not on router.
as tempting as pihole is. The last time I tried to do that. the pi went offline causing no internet when i was asleep (i’m a night owl) so my dad got mad at me for changing the dns settings on the router. So now I just have the router set to quad9 (used to have it set to cloudflare’s, but recently changed it)
You can change the DNS on your personal devices instead of changing it on the router.
You can make an HA cluster from 2 or 3 pies. One node goes down, the other takes over. Or go the docker swarm road.