We’re in the 21st century, and the vast majority of us still believe in an utterly and obviously fictional creator deity. Plenty of people, even in developed countries with decent educational systems, still believe in ghosts or magic (e.g. voodoo). And I–an atheist and a skeptic–am told I need to respect these patently false beliefs as cultural traditions.

Fuck that. They’re bad cultural traditions, undeserving of respect. Child-proofing society for these intellectually stunted people doesn’t help them; it is in fact a disservice to them to pretend it’s okay to go through life believing these things. We should demand that people contend with reality on a factual basis by the time they reach adulthood (even earlier, if I’m being completely honest). We shouldn’t be coddling people who profess beliefs that are demonstrably false, simply because their feelings might get hurt.

  • @Perfide@reddthat.com
    71 year ago

    One can’t prove Evolution, despite it being the most complete explanation for the observations. Thus it is a Theory despite being accepted as the explanation by the vast majority of Scientists who study it.

    This right here is all I need to know you’re a moron.

    Evolution IS proven. A scientific theory is NOT the same thing as the common usage of the word “theory”(Source).

    • TigrisMorte
      -21 year ago

      No it is not. It is impossible to prove by current Human abilities. No one every said it was the same. You are assuming when someone says it is a theory that they mean a baseless guess. That is not at all what is meant. It is accepted as the best possible explanation at this time, nothing more. You assume accepting that means Creationists get to pretend the same about their claims. Creationism doesn’t even hold up under Biblical research much less Scientific. Calling Evolution a theory gets a lot of panties in knots because most folks didn’t study Math long enough to know what theory and proof actually are. For Evolution to be proven you’d have to predict the mutation before it was observed and then prove how it becomes dominate after the millions of Years it takes to do so. There simply isnt time to have proven it. Same with Continental drift and Pangea. The time it takes is too long to prove the theory for Humans to have done so.