We’re in the 21st century, and the vast majority of us still believe in an utterly and obviously fictional creator deity. Plenty of people, even in developed countries with decent educational systems, still believe in ghosts or magic (e.g. voodoo). And I–an atheist and a skeptic–am told I need to respect these patently false beliefs as cultural traditions.

Fuck that. They’re bad cultural traditions, undeserving of respect. Child-proofing society for these intellectually stunted people doesn’t help them; it is in fact a disservice to them to pretend it’s okay to go through life believing these things. We should demand that people contend with reality on a factual basis by the time they reach adulthood (even earlier, if I’m being completely honest). We shouldn’t be coddling people who profess beliefs that are demonstrably false, simply because their feelings might get hurt.

  • @Cypher@lemmy.world
    01 year ago

    So not a fundamental law of reality, not applicable to me, or even most of the world.

    By the way the very idea of freedom of religion and respecting beliefs grew from non-religious sectarian elements of the enlightenment era.

    You know, the era that started out with the burning of churches and lynching of priests because they were a blight on society and allied with the monarchy.

    Religions have always discriminated against nonbelievers so hearing you small minded fools cry about it is really just music to my ears.

    My “beliefs” are based in observable, testable, proven fact and not superstitious nonsense written down by goat fuckers 2,000 years ago.

    • TigrisMorte
      -11 year ago

      There are no fundamental law of reality, only our perception of the power around us.
      The rest of it is utterly irrelevant whining about how your feelings.

      In no way do your beliefs out weigh anyone else’s beliefs. If you think otherwise you are nothing but a self important bigot.

        • TigrisMorte
          -21 year ago

          All theories that have been proven to be facts but whose exact workings we still don’t remotely understand.
          And while insulting People attempting to get a rise so you can feel all superior as you strut about isn’t the flex you think it is.
          Particularly when you blatantly have not a clue about any of the subjects you claim support your position.

          • @Cypher@lemmy.world
            11 year ago

            whose exact workings we still don’t remotely understand.

            Your lack of comprehension has no impact on what the rest of us, who possess more than far more than the two brain cells you are misusing, can comprehend.

            Gravity is most accurately described by the general theory of relativity (proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915), which describes gravity not as a force, but as the curvature of spacetime, caused by the uneven distribution of mass, and causing masses to move along geodesic lines.

            • TigrisMorte
              -11 year ago

              Please look up theory and then follow up with how the unification research which is going and then do explain to us how some more about how superior your intellect is to Einstein’s.