Hello fellow enthusiasts!
What are your favourite ways to brew large quantities of tea + make it taste good?
I use the Russian method sometimes, but it works best for strong black tea
Hello fellow enthusiasts!
What are your favourite ways to brew large quantities of tea + make it taste good?
I use the Russian method sometimes, but it works best for strong black tea
That is really interesting. I make my tea in pots like this on a gas stove: https://www.replacements.com/china-pyrex-flameware-4-cup-percolator-with-lid-basket-and-insert/p/73242761?utm_source=google_shopping&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&rplSrc=GPLA&rplSubEvent=151823&productTargetID=1492235020717&dvc=m&rplsku=25&gclid=CjwKCAjwqZSlBhBwEiwAfoZUICiDPISpdq_Bg1r23OX34mf_ZJjYObf8cRYDEFffQtkPCI_ALp6R4hoCVoYQAvD_BwE
Interesting, I haven’t heard of using a percolator for tea.
After looking into how it works a little, it looks like it makes a strong brew!