• @pingveno@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    It’s about right. AI is good for automating certain classes of tasks. Correctly executed, it can be transformative. For example, good legal representation is really expensive now. Lawyers may need to sift through a large body of case law for even a modest brief, and they don’t come cheap. AI can help at least narrow down their task, making quality representation accessible for people of more modest means.

    Same with suggestions. This came up at my work. Given a person’s position information and current access, what are other pieces of access that they might need? AI is a great way for generating those types of suggestions. We haven’t implemented it, but it’s not uncommon in various identity and access management products.

    That said, AI isn’t the end all and be old of everything. There are certain things where it’s just not the right tool for the job. I don’t see it ever replacing the empathy in human-to-human interactions, for example.