All hope for humanity rests on Fury's shoulders.
S01E06: Home July 26th, 2023 on Disney+ 37m None
  • tekeous
    1411 months ago

    Man, I’ve defended this show up to this point, hoping for a banger of a plot twist and thinking it would all be worth it to have my mind blown.

    Well, I didn’t get that, and that ending was some bull shit.

    President gets saved by Fury who obviously knows what’s going on. Proceeds to ignore Fury’s advice and declare war.

    Fury buggers off. Again.

    Gia’h is now the Avengers Amalgam and should easily be able to solo Kang-level threats, and is just…walking around in a leather jacket. Helping Sonya do whatever.

    Prez Rittson declaring war on offworlders now means every superhero is going to be frowned on. What about New Asgard? Eternals? They’re on Earth. Does Thor still get to visit New York when he feels like it? He’s an offworlder. Sounds like a shortsighted idiot decision made by an asshole, so at least he’s playing the US president right.

      611 months ago

      Gia’h having access to all the powers doesn’t mean she knows how to use them all effectively. Some may be too much of a strain on a body that didn’t obtain them naturally, there’s plenty of ways to write around that.

      The US declaring war on all aliens is actually how the first SWORD miniseries at Marvel began so I assume that will be an adapted plot somewhere, plus it kind of feels fitting in a world where aliens have attacked Earth several times over and killed half the universe.

      11 months ago

      The only upside I see to President Rittson’s misoxenistic (edit: how do you construct the word for ‘fear of extra-terrestrials’? this one seems to mean fear of strangers) response is that I feel like it really primes the stage for a natural progression into a fear of mutants that’ve suddenly started springing up. If you were a normal human and someone close to you seemingly “lost control” and “let their powers slip”, and you’d seen the footage of Skrulls (and maybe some out-of-focus footage of a Super-Skrull), wouldn’t you feel completely justified in indulging your xenophobia?

      In reality, the Skrull letting their powers slip would just be an instance of a young teen manifesting powers they don’t know how to control. Powers manifest in high-stress situations near the onset of puberty, iirc.

    • Omega
      011 months ago

      Not every superhero will be frowned upon. Some will be considered “the good ones”.

        • Omega
          111 months ago

          Well no. Not every superhero is from off world.

          Also, he says combatants and “we know who you are”. Meaning not every off worlder.

          He also specifically calls out shape-shifters.

          There’s also the obvious real world equivalent of hating “immigrants” but really only talking about certain immigrants.

          It’s very possible that some alien species will be included in the target, but not all.