On reddit side of internet there is this post. Just wanted to see Lemmy’s answer to that question, so I will start:

I was introduced to Emacs about 15 years ago, but it didn’t click with me at that time. I was young and foolish, laughing all the time “hehe muh parentheses”. At that time I got into world of Vi. Fast forward to today and I use Emacs for almost everything. I started my true journey about three years ago, slowing using it for more and more stuff.

Here is list of stuff I do inside of Emacs:

  • it’s my WM (EXWM)
  • IRC client (weechat.el)
  • RSS reader (elfeed)
  • NNTP and email reader (Gnus)
  • time tracking, to do tracking, calendar (org-mode)
  • note taking (org-roam)
  • music and video player (emms with mpv backend)
  • mastodon client (mastodon.el)
  • wallabag client (wallabage.el)
  • file browser (dired) and remote tool with tramp
  • shell (eshell)
  • code editor (Emacs with LSP)
  • git interface (magit)
  • documentation browser (devdocs)
  • gemini browser (elpher)
  • pdf reader (pdf-tools)
  • epub reader (nov.el)
  • calibre library client (calibredb)
  • openstreetmap browser (osm)
  • search engines client (engine-mode)

At this point I started to think about Emacs more as an GUI framework with integrated elisp interpreter then code editor.

Going back to original question: what is your story with Emacs?

  • geoma@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    I haven’t really learned emacs yet(I wish I could), so I only use it for writing text files in org mode (doom emacs)… but I wish I could use it as mail client, would love to know org-roam, but it is so difficult to learn for me and takes so much time…

    • stamp_irl@lemmy.mlOP
      3 years ago

      If this help you, here and here are to good tutorials that slowly goes into “everything emacs”. My advice is to expand one step at a time, see what works for you and what not.

      As to email - mu4e is a good starting point. Most of the setup is actually outside of Emacs (isync and msmtp) and interface is kinda familiar to what you can find in other email clients.