On reddit side of internet there is this post. Just wanted to see Lemmy’s answer to that question, so I will start:

I was introduced to Emacs about 15 years ago, but it didn’t click with me at that time. I was young and foolish, laughing all the time “hehe muh parentheses”. At that time I got into world of Vi. Fast forward to today and I use Emacs for almost everything. I started my true journey about three years ago, slowing using it for more and more stuff.

Here is list of stuff I do inside of Emacs:

  • it’s my WM (EXWM)
  • IRC client (weechat.el)
  • RSS reader (elfeed)
  • NNTP and email reader (Gnus)
  • time tracking, to do tracking, calendar (org-mode)
  • note taking (org-roam)
  • music and video player (emms with mpv backend)
  • mastodon client (mastodon.el)
  • wallabag client (wallabage.el)
  • file browser (dired) and remote tool with tramp
  • shell (eshell)
  • code editor (Emacs with LSP)
  • git interface (magit)
  • documentation browser (devdocs)
  • gemini browser (elpher)
  • pdf reader (pdf-tools)
  • epub reader (nov.el)
  • calibre library client (calibredb)
  • openstreetmap browser (osm)
  • search engines client (engine-mode)

At this point I started to think about Emacs more as an GUI framework with integrated elisp interpreter then code editor.

Going back to original question: what is your story with Emacs?

  • hfkldjbuq@beehaw.org
    3 years ago

    began using Emacs because of org-mode. Since then I’ve also used Emacs for most my text/code editing needs, general development tools like version control system and rest client and REPL, reading and taking notes from epub and pdf, interacting with the file system (dired), elfeed for notifications like software updates, email, calculator, shell, … I avoid using Emacs for non-productive apps like social media, instant messaging… unless that could be somehow useful to capture information.

    At this point I started to think about Emacs more as an GUI framework with integrated elisp interpreter then code editor.

    I can’t think like that. Emacs has useful GUI, but it is not a GUI framework; mostly a textual interface framework that happens to have both console and gtk frontends.