An NYPD security robot will be patrolling the Times Square subway station::The NYPD is deploying a robot with four cameras to patrol the Times Square subway station.
All the things the cops would want this bot to do are prohibited by rules or by the potential for public outrage; no facial recognition, no offensive capabilities, it’s basically just a camera drone. But that will change when the rules change, or when people stop paying attention… if this thing can avoid being trashed for more then ten minutes after it’s deployed.
Yeah I’m waiting for the article about it being pushed onto the tracks.
This was my first thought, too. This thing is gonna get hit by a train.
Hopefully within the first week.
prohibited by the potential for public outrage
Give it a minute little frogs, this is them initially turning the burner on under the pot. It’s gonna get warmer.
I bet if you break this thing you will get charged with assault on an officer
deleted by creator
This one is even dumber, it just goes twenty seconds to comply and then become a $20 webcam (for $9/hour of taxpayer funds)
So basically a $5 dollar can of spray paint and it’s back to being worth it’s weight in scrap
Uh, how is it better than a security camera? Can it dispense pepper spray or chase dudes up stairs?
Well, you see this uses up a far larger chunk of the pointlessly huge police budget. I’m sure they’ll also figure out a way for it to kill people soon.
So a security camera on wheels
Maybe this ridiculous thing will eventually replace some of the worst or most useless human cops… in twenty years, after a few billion tax dollars, just before their union neuters the project and renders it virtually useless. Think of the possibilities!
Inb4 someone gets charged with assaulting an officer for drawing a dick on a robot
Robocop needs to ease up on the Robodonuts.
How long until it shoots the first black person? Place your bets now.
Are we even taking bets that don’t say the word “month” in them?
I’m going to steal it.
I’m gonna put my dick in it
I already did
People are going to draw so many dicks on that boi.
Basically a protecton. Make sure to have metro tickets on you.
Hmmm I wonder if anyone has ever hacked a police department by requesting all the bodycam footage and watching an authentication happen.
How long until it drowns itself?
Oh my God they look like a white Dalek!