We heard noise and rushed there, but he was already pretty bitten in his belly. We directly hopped into a car and drove to the nearest vet hospital. He had a huge surgery, blood & plasma transfusions. He is much better now and can walk almost normally. The total bill until today was over 9.600Eur, so we started a little fundraiser. Even if we are broke now, we can’t say no when our dogs need vet care.
I’m sorry, but why don’t you have decorum? You’re being needlessly condescending to someone whose dog had a seizure? Are you a douchecanoe?
Oh, you’ve definitely misunderstood my original comment if you think I’m simply lacking decorum. What I’m actually doing is saying that op is either full of shit and exploiting people’s kindness to earn an extra buck, or they’re irresponsible morons who shouldn’t own a dog, let alone twenty-one of them, which appears to be the actual number of dogs they have on their dog farm despite not having proper insurance and being bankrupted by a €10K bill.
I didn’t misunderstand shit. I’m not a mind-reader, say what you mean the first time.